Friday, September 13, 2019

Responsibility of International Organisations , Outline

Responsibility of International Organisations , - Outline Example f it is possible for the organization to claim reparations for harms to its interests, harm inflicted by the UN on other parties is also liable for claims, particularly in activities that are well established like peacekeeping operations. This involves the conduct of UN administrators and peacekeepers. However, the limitations, scope, and practical applications of international responsibility principles are as of yet to be determined, especially in such areas as accountability mechanisms for non-judicial and judicial establishment2, as well as the responsibility for other projects in areas like science, education, or culture. The UN Security Council is given primary responsibility by the UN Charter to maintain international security and peace and, in fulfilling their responsibility; the UN Security Council can constitute a peacekeeping mission3. The UN Charter is the foundation for all work undertaken by the UN. Although not stated explicitly in the Charter, peacekeeping has ended up as one of the main instruments of the UN in maintaining international security and peace. The UN Security Council may adopt several measures to fulfill this responsibility. Chapter VI of the Charter involves the pacific settlement of disputes and most peacekeeping operations are associated with this chapter, although it has never been invoked. Chapter VII entails actions in terms of; respect to peace, peace breaches, and aggressive acts, which has been invoked to authorize peacekeeper deployment in post-conflict situations where states are unable to maintain public order and security4. Finally, Chapter VIII provides regional agencies and arrangements to maintain international security and peace as long as they are consistent with Chapter 1 of the Charter. Depending on the challenges that various conflicts bring, peacekeepers are normally mandated to act as catalysts in several activities. These are mine action, disarmament and reintegration of combatants, human rights promotion and

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