Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Helping Chinese Consumers Essay
QuarkMan Technology was founded in 2012 by David Yuan. As the Chinese domestic consumption continues to grow at a rapid speed, consumers need a reliable source for independent and impartial review of products to find the quality and functionality. The mission of the company is one of â€Å"unveiling products’ essence in an independent, professional, and powerful way.†The two core principles are â€Å"Independence†and â€Å"Fairness†. QuarkMan has set up two business units, Information Advisory and Media. The reports and data obtained by the testing of products are handled by the Information Advisory unit and the Media unit takes this information and displays it in a user friendly way so that consumers can make educated decisions. QuarkMan Media is further divided into Jancr which is the consumer goods testing division and China Consumer Report which is the communication division responsible for settling disputes between the consumer and manufacturer. SWOT ANALYSIS for QuarkMan Strengths Manages their own lab and return team Strong relationship with third party labs and research institution labs State of the art testing lab with 400 pieces of equipment and 3000 square meters External expert network from numerous industries In-house lab is a stand-along profitable business unit which finances the media unit Weaknesses Hard for an independent and fair media company to be profitable in China In order to remain independent, advertisements on their website is not an option Majority of the testing resources are owned by the government affiliated consumer associations, industry associations and government research institutes A big chunk of the capacity has a very low utilization rate Takes 2-3 weeks for QuarkMan to deliver one product review and others longer QuarkMan struggling with capacity issues Opportunities No mature player conducting comparative tests and analysis across different industries The third party testing market was controlled by the government but has now become a huge and rapidly growing market QuarkMan currently handling six product categories but have the opportunity to handle more Exhibit 4 – Private only handles 10% of the current market share Threats Private sector is growing at a CAGR of 25% Speed is a key factor for the high growth rate New players in the market have gained decent traffic from more frequent content releases Exhibit 4 – Foreign markets only handle 25% of the current market share Problem/Decision Statement How can QuarkMan influence consumer perception of their brand and business values and thus gain their trust and business? Identification of Alternatives Consider advertisements as a revenue stream with the use of a 3rd party to manage the sale and pay a portion back to QuarkMan so independency and objectivity is upheld. Use these funds to mark the business philosophy of QuarkMan to gain additional market share. Obtain additional financing through other interested parties and use revenues to promote the business model and use additional financing funds to expand testing resources and improve turnaround time and reach more consumers Critical Issues Impact on current and potential consumers and their ability to trust QuarkMan if they attempt to raise revenue revenues through advertising The use of a 3rd party to manage advertisement while increasing revenue and the effects on their ability to stay independent and transparent to the consumer Significant lead time to bring products to market and the limit number of product reviews that can be completed times. The use of a 3rd party to manage advertising would directly go against the company’s core principles of Independence and fairness thus leading to more mistrust. Analysis Consider advertisements as a revenue stream with the use of a 3rd party to manage the sale and pay a portion back to QuarkMan so independency and objectivity is upheld. Use these funds to mark the business philosophy of QuarkMan to gain additional market share. The current market has a distrust of the industry because of the lack of transparency and the blurred lines between the agency reviewing the produce and the product manufactures. The current Chinese consumer agency is not transparent and the government plays such a significant role in the reviews because of this the consumers do not trust any consumer reports. QuarkMan’s guiding principles of independence and fairness will be viewed as conflicting with any advertisement from a manufacturing. This conflict will add to more doubt from their consumers. Obtain additional financing through other interested parties and use revenues to promote the business model and use additional financing funds to expand testing resources and improve turnaround time and reach more consumers This alternative would allow for additional revenues while not compromising their independence and fairness. QuarkMan can continue to market their product and services through current media channels and bring awareness to their strong brand name and transparency while setting them apart from the current competition. This will help to generate long term customer loyalty. Additional revenues can strengthen their 3rd party testing environment and help to reduce the lead times and number of products able to be reviewed at one time. They can further expand the types of products they review and be able to reach more potential customers. Recommendation The recommendation based on the entire analysis would be to obtain additional financing through other interested parties and use revenues to promote the business model and expand testing resources to improve turnaround time and reach more consumers. This alternative would allow for additional revenues while not compromising their independence and fairness. QuarkMan can continue to market their product and services through current media channels and bring awareness to their strong brand name and transparency while setting them apart from the current competition. This will help to generate long term customer loyalty. Additional revenues can strengthen their 3rd party testing environment and help to reduce the lead times and number of products able to be reviewed at one time. They can further expand the types of products they review and be able to reach more potential customers.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Mexican Food vs Tex Mex Food Essay
I know that every time that you want mexican food you just have to drive to the nearest Taco Bell, but do you really know what is Mexican Food? if your first choice is Taco Bell you definitely don’t know what it’s about. Mexican food is very far from this kind of food. Actually taco bell, fast food mexican restaurants foods are called Tex Mex. The difference between these two can be best be appreciate when we compare their ingredients, their taste and their presentation. According to and articule written in the web page the term Tex Mex has a lot of time around us, but it really takes his best on the 70’s when D. Kennedy published the Cusine of Mexico. The difference in the ingredients is the first way of notice which one is on your table. The real mexican food uses natural ingredients such as peppers, cornmeal and tomatoes. In tex mex food you see cheese and meat that are not that used in the mexican food rvn if their are natural. A common ingredient in both is the avocato.The difference in taste is that real mexican food is very spicy and seasoned. Tex mex uses sauces that sometimes are spicy but normally this sauces are not part of the recipe but the diner can add it. The mexican food always uses more natural ingredients, so the taste is more fresh than the tex mex. The presentation is the main reason that this two foods are not alike. The real mexican food and the tex mex food are very colourful, but the real one seem to be healthier than the tex mex. The tex mex is fast food, you can take with your hand but the mexican looks more formal. In Tex mex you can see burritos, fajitas and quesadillas but in mexican food you can have birria, huevos divorciados and mole. Everywhere you see a mexican restaurant but the 90% of them are tex mex food. As you’ve seen this two food are not alike. One has very differents things from the other, even they are made with differents methods of cooking. Its very important to know that Mexican Food was recognize as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO in 2010. References. What’s the Difference? Tex-Mex vs. Mexican
Monday, July 29, 2019
Case Study Analysis Rough Draft
The Situation In early April the 15 candidates were hired to work for the Operations Supervisor by one of the new recruiters. At this time the recruiter had six months experience at this job and no previous recruitments done for the company. The recruiter was not working with another recruiter that had more experience at the time to help with this process. Once the 15 candidates where hired he scheduled a new hire orientation to be held on June 15th as to make sure the new hires would be ready for work in July. A little over a month after the 15 candidates were hired the Operations Supervisor contacted the recruiter about all the information, paperwork and other necessities that needed to be done such as drug test, physicals, etc†¦. The recruiter gave assurance to the Operations Supervisor that everything would be handled by the time the orientation would be held on June 15th. The recruiter waited until after Memorial Day to check the records for the new hires to see if their applications were complete and if they had done the mandatory drug screenings and most had not been done. The recruiter then checked for the paperwork that would need to be given to the new hires in around 20 days and there were only three manuals all of which were missing pages making none of them complete. Once this was all the seen the recruiter went on a walk to clear his head and then returned to the office. He went to check on the scheduling of the conference room where the new hire orientation is to be held since he saw that one of the employees from technology services was setting up computer terminals. The schedule showed that the conference room was booked for the whole month for training seminars on the new database implementation that was going to occur. The recruiter is not sure what to do at this point since everything appears to be going wrong and the new hires would not be able to have orientation on time nor will they be able to start by July. Analysis 1: Correcting the problem At this time the recruiter is not sure what to do in order to fix all the problems that have arisen since there is such little time left to the deadline he had set. The wisest decision would be to separate the problems and then take them on one at a time. As far as the conference room situation goes the recruiter can speak with the person that is going to be holding the seminars to see at what times they are to be held. If there are some gaps in between the seminars it can be seen if the scheduling of the orientation would be affected or not. Also if there is a particular day that the seminars would not be taking place the orientation can be rescheduled for that day. The new hires that have not completed all the necessary paperwork or drug tests would be the next point issue to handle. The files would need to be reviewed to see who is missing what paperwork or tests so that they can be contacted accordingly and be given a deadline to complete it all or they will not be hired. In doing this it allows for the follow to seem more personal since the records are being looked at individually and also puts a sense of urgency in the new hire to get it all done. This would also allow the recruiter to contact the new hires with the date of the orientation if it has changed or just to give a reminder of the date if it has not changed. The final problem of the orientation manuals not being complete is next problem to work on. From the three manuals that the recruiter does have he should review each to see what pages are missing from one and see if they are available in one of the others. If all three manuals together can make one complete manual then copies can be run off of all three accordingly to be pieced together to make one manual. Once there is one complete manual then other copies can be made. If the manuals cannot be pieced together to make one then the recruiter would need to contact his or her supervisor to see how to obtain new manuals and the time frame that it would take to get them in. This would allow him to see if the orientation would need to be rescheduled or not due to the time it will take to get manuals for all the new hires. From this point on continued follow up of all the new hires paperwork and drug tests would need to be done to make sure that they will be done before the orientation is held. Following up of the conference room schedule would also need to be done to make sure that there is nothing else newly scheduled that may have interference with the orientation. The final detail that would need to be followed up on is the status of the operations manuals being ready by the date of the orientation, such as checking with who is making them and if they are running behind or if everything is on schedule. Analysis II Proper Procedure There are many different aspects that would need to be revised in order to make sure that issues like this can be avoided in the future. Proper supervision of procedures is one the major aspects that would need to be looked at first. Since the recruiter was new and it was the first recruitment they had done another more experienced recruiter could have shadowed the process to make sure that everything is done correctly. Shadowing would allow for the new recruiter to put to the test their training and if there are points that are not done right it can be caught early. This makes for better teamwork as well as a confidence building situation for the new recruiter. During the hiring process the new hires should be given deadlines to have all of their applications and other necessary paperwork completed in order to continue processing them as a new hire. The same should also be done with the drug testing, rather than giving them till the orientation date they should have a date within 30 days to complete it so that if they don’t they can be given a little more time or there would still be ample time to hire a replacement if needed. With these deadlines in place it has the employees take the time needed to get the tasks done but also does not give them excess time to procrastinate on the getting them done. As far as the orientation paperwork situation goes the recruiter would need to check how many are available right after hiring the employees to make sure that there would be enough. With this being done early then the recruiter would be able to contact the Operations Supervisor with plenty of time to let them know that they are short on the manuals necessary for the orientation. Checking this also allows the recruiter to stay on top of ordering the manuals so that there will always be some in supply as and would only need to order more to replace the ones that are going to be used. Conclusion The best solution that was presents was from the second analysis. This solution sets the goals of the company to not only train their employees better but also to promote teamwork in order to increase accuracy in the way that jobs are done. With the shadowing being done the more experienced recruiter could have had the newer recruiter set up the deadlines for the new hires, as well as how, where and when to check on the paperwork that is needed for the orientation. The communication on how often to check the scheduling log for the conference rooms could have also been brought up. The better the training and teamwork the better the situation turns out. Case Study Analysis Rough Draft The Situation In early April the 15 candidates were hired to work for the Operations Supervisor by one of the new recruiters. At this time the recruiter had six months experience at this job and no previous recruitments done for the company. The recruiter was not working with another recruiter that had more experience at the time to help with this process. Once the 15 candidates where hired he scheduled a new hire orientation to be held on June 15th as to make sure the new hires would be ready for work in July. A little over a month after the 15 candidates were hired the Operations Supervisor contacted the recruiter about all the information, paperwork and other necessities that needed to be done such as drug test, physicals, etc†¦. The recruiter gave assurance to the Operations Supervisor that everything would be handled by the time the orientation would be held on June 15th. The recruiter waited until after Memorial Day to check the records for the new hires to see if their applications were complete and if they had done the mandatory drug screenings and most had not been done. The recruiter then checked for the paperwork that would need to be given to the new hires in around 20 days and there were only three manuals all of which were missing pages making none of them complete. Once this was all the seen the recruiter went on a walk to clear his head and then returned to the office. He went to check on the scheduling of the conference room where the new hire orientation is to be held since he saw that one of the employees from technology services was setting up computer terminals. The schedule showed that the conference room was booked for the whole month for training seminars on the new database implementation that was going to occur. The recruiter is not sure what to do at this point since everything appears to be going wrong and the new hires would not be able to have orientation on time nor will they be able to start by July. Analysis 1: Correcting the problem At this time the recruiter is not sure what to do in order to fix all the problems that have arisen since there is such little time left to the deadline he had set. The wisest decision would be to separate the problems and then take them on one at a time. As far as the conference room situation goes the recruiter can speak with the person that is going to be holding the seminars to see at what times they are to be held. If there are some gaps in between the seminars it can be seen if the scheduling of the orientation would be affected or not. Also if there is a particular day that the seminars would not be taking place the orientation can be rescheduled for that day. The new hires that have not completed all the necessary paperwork or drug tests would be the next point issue to handle. The files would need to be reviewed to see who is missing what paperwork or tests so that they can be contacted accordingly and be given a deadline to complete it all or they will not be hired. In doing this it allows for the follow to seem more personal since the records are being looked at individually and also puts a sense of urgency in the new hire to get it all done. This would also allow the recruiter to contact the new hires with the date of the orientation if it has changed or just to give a reminder of the date if it has not changed. The final problem of the orientation manuals not being complete is next problem to work on. From the three manuals that the recruiter does have he should review each to see what pages are missing from one and see if they are available in one of the others. If all three manuals together can make one complete manual then copies can be run off of all three accordingly to be pieced together to make one manual. Once there is one complete manual then other copies can be made. If the manuals cannot be pieced together to make one then the recruiter would need to contact his or her supervisor to see how to obtain new manuals and the time frame that it would take to get them in. This would allow him to see if the orientation would need to be rescheduled or not due to the time it will take to get manuals for all the new hires. From this point on continued follow up of all the new hires paperwork and drug tests would need to be done to make sure that they will be done before the orientation is held. Following up of the conference room schedule would also need to be done to make sure that there is nothing else newly scheduled that may have interference with the orientation. The final detail that would need to be followed up on is the status of the operations manuals being ready by the date of the orientation, such as checking with who is making them and if they are running behind or if everything is on schedule. Analysis II Proper Procedure There are many different aspects that would need to be revised in order to make sure that issues like this can be avoided in the future. Proper supervision of procedures is one the major aspects that would need to be looked at first. Since the recruiter was new and it was the first recruitment they had done another more experienced recruiter could have shadowed the process to make sure that everything is done correctly. Shadowing would allow for the new recruiter to put to the test their training and if there are points that are not done right it can be caught early. This makes for better teamwork as well as a confidence building situation for the new recruiter. During the hiring process the new hires should be given deadlines to have all of their applications and other necessary paperwork completed in order to continue processing them as a new hire. The same should also be done with the drug testing, rather than giving them till the orientation date they should have a date within 30 days to complete it so that if they don’t they can be given a little more time or there would still be ample time to hire a replacement if needed. With these deadlines in place it has the employees take the time needed to get the tasks done but also does not give them excess time to procrastinate on the getting them done. As far as the orientation paperwork situation goes the recruiter would need to check how many are available right after hiring the employees to make sure that there would be enough. With this being done early then the recruiter would be able to contact the Operations Supervisor with plenty of time to let them know that they are short on the manuals necessary for the orientation. Checking this also allows the recruiter to stay on top of ordering the manuals so that there will always be some in supply as and would only need to order more to replace the ones that are going to be used. Conclusion The best solution that was presents was from the second analysis. This solution sets the goals of the company to not only train their employees better but also to promote teamwork in order to increase accuracy in the way that jobs are done. With the shadowing being done the more experienced recruiter could have had the newer recruiter set up the deadlines for the new hires, as well as how, where and when to check on the paperwork that is needed for the orientation. The communication on how often to check the scheduling log for the conference rooms could have also been brought up. The better the training and teamwork the better the situation turns out.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Immigration Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Immigration Law - Essay Example It was a state of peace, goodwill, preservation and mutual assistance. In this state of nature, people had all the rights which the nature could provide. The provision of these rights is justified by the fact that in the state of nature, the human natural condition was a state of complete and perfect liberty that was able to conduct a person’s life in a way that one could see best fits. The other theoretical model of state is the state as a provider of identity. In this theory, a person is mainly identified by state he or she comes from. Despite the plethora of human identification, very little attention has been paid when it comes to identification of foreigners in a given state. Given the present globalization and internationalization of human movement, the inflow of foreigners into states has remained too high.1 In the modern times, nationalism is one of the main social and political problems. Nationalism mainly involves imposing culture in a society which replaces most multiculturalism, local and low cultures. The origin of nationalism regards the transformation of a society from a social structure and agrarian based economy to one which is mainly centered on industrialism. A society before industrialism was vertically bound and about 80 percent of its population made up of peasant farmers. There were strict boundaries between communities and between classes. With these separate communities being bound under the ‘state’, they do not share a common language, myths, memories, ancestry or religion. Peasant were born as farmers and still died as farmers with no chances of social advancement or economic mobility due to lack of standardized education. As a result, these communities totally did not wish to impose their culture or language to the neighboring communities. Nationalism strives for ethnicity or one culture under the same roof or ‘state’. The mentioned is the most successful
BP Oil Spills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
BP Oil Spills - Essay Example The essay is thus a pure amalgamation of economies in the theoretical and empirical perspectives. It is highly rational to study the microeconomic impact of the oil crisis as the wastage of oil thorough a spill would surely decrease its supply in the world market. A fall in the supply of oil would cause its scarcity in the market and thereby increase its prices. A rise in price of oil would directly increase the cost of transportation and hence all the goods and services produced in the economy. The researcher in the context of the essay would be explaining the microeconomic impact of the oil spill in the economy of United States and the rest of the world. Analysis The three microeconomic analyses that can be figured in the context of the essay are: Theory of Supply The theory of supply states that a raise in the selling price of goods and services in the market increases the supply of it, given all the other factors affecting supply remains constant. Figure 1: Supply Curve Price Sup ply Curve Quantitative Supplied (Authors Creation) The above graph explains a positively sloping supply curve in the market. A shift in the supply curve only occurs when the factors apart from prices changes in the market. An increase in the supply explains an upward shift in the supply curve. ... Figure 2: Shift in Supply Curve Final Supply Curve Price P 2 Initial Supply Curve P1 Quantity Supplied (Source: Authors Creation) The figure 2 above explains the upward shift in supply curve of petroleum in the market. As shown in the above graph the sudden supply shock of oil in the market of petroleum in U.S. would surely cause an upward shift in the supply curve. As stated in the above figure the upward shift in the supply curve would be forcing the supplies supply a lower quantity at a higher price. Thus, given the market demand for petroleum the decreased in supply have indeed increased the price of oil in the market for U.S. from say P1 to P2 (McEachern, 2012). Theory of Demand The low of demand in economics states that the rise in price for a commodity or a service is inversely related to its quantity demanded, assuming that all other factors affecting demand are constant (Ceteris Paribus). When a consumer creates a demand in the market, it is a want that is backed by proper p urchasing power. The want has the power to satisfy the utility of the consumers. Figure 3: Demand Curve Price Quantity Demanded (Source: Authors Creation) The figure 3 stated above is of a negatively sloping demand curve. However the degree of responsiveness of the rate of change of quantity demanded with respect to the rate of change of price, depends on the elasticity of demand for a product. It is true the demand price elasticity for petroleum in the market is moderately elastic in nature as petroleum is not a necessity. When, the prices of basic necessities of increases then consumers are forced to pay higher (Ross, 1979). Figure 4: Moderately Elastic Demand Curve (Source: Nechyba, 2011) The above figure 4 is of a moderately elastic demand curve, where
Saturday, July 27, 2019
I'll cook for you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
I'll cook for you - Essay Example You will also need time and money to look for the best advertising agency to suit your business needs (Grow and Altstiel, 2006). Since you have a career in nutrition and perhaps you do not have sufficient knowledge about advertising or marketing, then you need to hire an advertising agent. The second thing that you need in your business is to grow it. It is just a start-up, so you need to devote all resources to make it grow. At this initial stages there could be some constraints of money; hiring an advertising agent will drain your money instead of using them to grow your business since it is just a start-up. However, it may also be necessary to hire an advertising agency once the business grows because you will need to establish the business first before you can get enough money to hire skilled in-house advertising or marketing team. On the other hand, in-house advertising agency requires online advertising and marketing resources because it is the best way to communicate with potential customers at the start-up stage in which you will be busy handling your food service operations. Furthermore, if you are familiar with the advertising and marketing, then you may handle the advertising work in-house but you will need to sacrifice some time out of your food service operations and deal with advertising services. As small as the business is currently, you will need to devote a lot of time to your business in order to make it grow. There are also various advantages and disadvantages of in-house advertising and hiring an advertising agency. One of the advantages of an advertising agency is that it brings advertising and marketing expertise and specialized knowledge into the business. Agencies have resources to provide advertising knowhow that your small business does not have. Another advantage of an advertising agency is that it saves time for the business. While you
Friday, July 26, 2019
Treatment of sepsis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Treatment of sepsis - Research Paper Example International campaigns to improve outcomes have emerged based upon the efforts of 11 different organizations in the guise of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign. An international effort to increase awareness and improve outcome in severe sepsis. On the agenda are data from hospitals around the world, where the condition has been tackled by decades of dedicated work from a variety of researchers. Sepsis and related disorders are potentially life-threatening syndromes that occur in association with a suspected infections whose signs and symptoms match at least two conditions of a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). The major SIRS conditions are an increased heart rate, fever, and rapid respiration; the young and the elderly often exhibit early signs and symptoms of sepsis sometimes before exhibiting the full scope of SIRS criteria. The majority of sepsis cases are the result of bacterial infection. Those hospitalized with sepsis are treated with intravenous antibiotics, and therapy to alleviate organ dysfunction. (Davis & Stà ¶ppler, 2011) Sepsis and systemic inflammation that arises as a result are still responsible for as much as 70% of mortality in some intensive care units. (Reidemann et al. 2003) The mortality rate of severe sepsis includes organ dysfunction as a result of infection or subsequent failure in blood pressure and septic shock. This is in cases where hypotension does not respond to fluid resuscitation and correlates with organ dysfunction or blood pressure issues is too high by the standards of any medical practitioner. (Dellinger et al. 2004) Even before signs of organ failure, the odds of mortality can still reach up to 30%. Prevention of infections in the first place and the expedient diagnosis and treatment of sepsis are the best ways to prevent sepsis and moderate sepsis syndromes. The prognosis depends on severity of sepsis, and can change rapidly unless answered with swift, effective treatment. Also influential is the underlying
Thursday, July 25, 2019
RHETORICAL AWARENESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
RHETORICAL AWARENESS - Essay Example ethical, emotions, practical and intellectual. It leads to effective communication. So in conclusion, it can be said that it is a process through which one tries to communicate something to the other person effectively. Rhetoric has played a major role in western tradition. In relation to rhetorical analysis, usage of rhetorical concepts is essential such as logos, ethos, mediation etc. this is mainly done to identify the social functions that are related to the object of the study. When it is related to any disclosure such as a poem, a speech, a joke or newspaper article, then the specific aim of article is not just to support the claim or makes arguments in relation to it, but it also involves identifying the semiotic strategies which should be employed by the speaker in order to accomplish persuasive goals. 1.2 Importance of rhetorical awareness Different fields have different writing conventions. Rhetorical situation mainly refers to primary features of any college writing situat ion. While facing any rhetorical situation in college it is imperative to have awareness on its various factors such as purpose for which one is writing, the audience for which one is writing to, type of text one is writing, the person one takes in his writing and social context of the situation. Rhetorical awareness is important in order to communicate effectively with the other person. One should be efficient enough to deal with all kind of situations i.e. either to communicate in images, sounds, words or numbers. Student writers should be able to deal with all these situations. Effective writing means making various choices. Each purpose given to students increases their awareness in relation to rhetorical. In it students mainly take responsibility of their ideas from which they try to be writers. These ideas are mainly occurred through independent research and one’s own perceptions. This provides students an opportunity to work at their own discourse, discover challenging things and can express their own ideas, while communicating on a particular purpose. This makes their ideas compelling and convincing to others. Therefore, in order to effectively communicate with other person one should be aware of all rhetorical techniques and writing. 1.3 Effect Rhetorical awareness can lead to effective communication and message can be easily transfers to the respective audience. It creates a positive attitude among student writers. This will help students not only to communicate in words, but they will be able to use sounds, numbers and diagrams as well to convey their message once they are aware of rhetorical. Its awareness helps students not only to gain good grades in class but also helps them in achieving their goals and carrier path. It provides students a sense of discovering, developing and understanding among student writers. 1.4 Evaluation Rhetorical awareness can be evaluated on the basis of skills of a person. Rhetorical situation are very complex a nd involves many factors such as purpose, audience, person to whom one is addressing, social background, text type and personal beliefs of audience and writer’s etc. evaluation is conducted on all these factors. Each area should be studied efficiently. Teacher mainly play role of audience. They are the one who evaluate that either student is aware in relation to a particular purpose assigned to them. They become a reader while evaluating a person’s writing and try to identify what a student is thinking. This creates results in two forms either a thinker or a writer. After doing rhetorical analysis one gets the knowledge of language which is important in achieving persuasion. Sometimes teachers also evaluate writing by playing a role of hypothetical audience, i.e. they may ask students to write
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Personal insight of the film "Sullivan's Travels" Statement
Insight of the film "Sullivan's Travels" - Personal Statement Example Sturges prefers planting the camera in front of the characters or actors; or have the camera follow actors when walking, and simply observing what is witty. The film does not shy in acknowledging the Great Depression. Sullivan’s discussion, the first one, with the studio leaders through the entire film, I see a genuine conflict between his wishes to present the suffering around him and also their wish in distracting audiences via the making of escapist pictures . It is only in the end does he, Sullivan, notice that perhaps the heads at the studio may be having the right idea. The movie changes humor style and tone each a few minutes. The movie shows some paradox tone, the movie has humor and gravity existing side-by-side, the tragicomic picture or view whose objective is comedy but it premise is a serious in nature ; the movie aims at both making people laugh and think. I am in a dilemma of comfortable classifying Sullivans Travels into either the â€Å"comedy-not tragedy†or "comedy-ha-ha†modes of humor. Sullivan’s Travels is more of Sullivan’s film, and the movie is presenting exactly what the character has set out to discover. Moreover, the movie avails an integration of comedy, inspiration, and pathos that jointly reinforce and also paradoxically demean the filmmakers’ argument. The movie has various exquisite scene of gags, for example the chase scene where a trailer after Sullivan in the dirt roads and fields, the varied expressions found on the portrait at the house’s window, and a number of characters falling into the pool. The presence of verbal humor emanates in most of the encounters with the Girl’s sarcastic comments that are dry, and Sullivan’s associates. The movie Sullivan’s Travels is also ironic; Sturges criticizes the motivations and methods of the Popular Front, but at the same time, he perpetuates to give social critique of the manner and style of the Popular Front. Sturges was able to
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Diversity in my city Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Diversity in my city - Essay Example The other races that take the rest of the population are equally advantaged to increased access to infrastructure brought about by the socio-economic and political influence of the dominant white race. The existing cultural diversity in our neighborhood has led to multilingual characteristic of the population. This is observed through many races like Asians speaking their local languages while at the same time speaking English as the national language. The challenge this poses is in the comparatively poor quality of English spoken by non-white races which translates to their under representation in socio-economic and political structure of the larger society. The higher active population has led to increased labor force but level of education variance means more whites are in employment as other races languish in relative poverty and high unemployment. However, the cultural diversity has seen the neighborhood reflect unity in terms of one national language speaking in English and increased campaign for affirmative action of an inclusive socio-economic growth across all the cultural entities in the neighborhood. The large and diverse cultural group has also lead to larger market fo r variety of goods and services hence vibrant local
As sophocles observes in antigone Essay Example for Free
As sophocles observes in antigone Essay 4. Awareness (Greenleaf, 2002): Able servant-leaders are usually sharply awake and reasonably disturbed from integrated holistic perspectives, yet with inner serenity (Greenleaf, 2002). Habit 1 (of 7 or of 8), Being Proactive or the concept of Inside-Out, that any significant type of change in the would-be-leader must first come from within himself (Covey, 1900). 5. Persuasion (Greenleaf, 2002): Servant-leaders rely primarily on persuasion and on convincing even by way of group-building consensus, rather than through coercion or force based on the traditional authoritarian model (Greenleaf, 2002). While Gardner insists that: â€Å"Leadership is the process of persuasion or example by which an individual (or leadership team) induces a group to pursue objectives held by the leader or shared by the leader and his or her followers†(Gardner, 1990). Yukl emphatically stressed, in that: â€Å"influence is the essence of leadership†(Yukl, 2001). 6. Conceptualization (Greenleaf, 2002): Servant-leaders perform a delicate balance between thinking out a problem and facing beyond day-to-day-focused-realities approach (Greenleaf, 2002). Habit 2 (of 7 or of 8), Beginning with the End in Mind, that the would-be-leader develops his own principled-center mission statement in life with long-term goals (Covey, 1900). 7. Foresight (Greenleaf, 2002): Intuitive servant-leaders understand the lessons from the past, the realities of the present, and the likely consequence of a decision for the future (Greenleaf, 2002). Characteristic 1, They Are Continually Learning, that the would-be-leader’s perception is more than enough honed by his self-initiated desire to know it all (Covey, 1992) and similar to Characteristic 6, They See Life As An Adventure (Covey, 1992). Alfred North Whitehead strongly suggested, in that: Every leader, to be effective, must simultaneously adhere to the symbols of change and revision and the symbols of tradition and stability (Warren Bennis, 1995). 8. Stewardship (Greenleaf, 2002): Servant-leaders merely act as stewards or â€Å"hold men and resources in trust†for the good of all or for society, emphasizing openness and persuasion (Greenleaf, 2002), likewise very similar to Stewardship Delegation (Covey, 1900). Habit 3 (of 7 or of 8), Put First Things First, that the would-be-leader’s effectiveness lies in making sure he balances his Production (P) with his building Production Capacity PC (Covey, 1900). Also, hence, according to Covey’s classification, Stewardship is under Habit 3 (Covey, 1900). 9. Commitment to the Growth of People (Greenleaf, 2002): Servant-leaders are seriously responsible and deeply committed to the growth and nurturing of each individual worker within the institution (Greenleaf, 2002). Characteristic 2, They Are Service-Oriented, that the would-be-leader/ servant-leader regards his work as a vocation or a way of life and not as a career (Covey, 1992). Characteristic 4, They Believe In Other People, that the would-be-leader is very hopeful for the beneficial potential capacity of everyone around him (Covey, 1992) though not quite far is Habit 8, It is about Finding Your Voice and Helping Others to Find Theirs (Covey, 2006). 10. Building Community (Greenleaf, 2002): Servant-leaders selflessly give themselves for building true communities among themselves who work within given institutions (Greenleaf, 2002). Characteristic 3, They Radiate Positive Energy, that the would-be-leader despite the â€Å"drudgery†of strengthening his institution, you could still find him cheerful, pleasant, happy; his attitude optimistic, positive, upbeat; and his spirit enthusiastic, hopeful, believing. Therefore, with the above, Covey concluded, in that: â€Å"A (good) habit can be defined as the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire†(Covey, 1900). Thus, with all of the above information, Sergeant Kidd’s dictum of soldiers learning to be good leaders from good leaders (Army, 1999) could now apply even to civilian employees or even ordinary civilians as more and more people are convinced through more and more pieces of literature pointing towards that thinning gray area between military and civilian leaderships. Political leadership is what John W. Gardner in his On Leadership, espoused in that: â€Å"Men and women of the greatest integrity, character, and courage should turn to public life as a natural duty and a natural outlet for their talents†(Gardner, 1990). While under business leadership falls all the works of Covey, Bennis, Goldsmith, and Yukl; however, noteworthy are those other works by Frances Hesselbein and Retired US Army General Eric Shinseki’s BE*KNOW*DO, Leadership the Army Way (Frances Hesselbein, 2004) and Jason Santamaria, Vincent Martino, and Eric Clemons’ The Marine Corps Way: Using Maneuver Warfare to Lead a Winning Organization (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003) because they believe that the business world could benefit from their shared experiences of the military. While the civilian sector regularly and easily pirates top executives from one private company to another or among themselves, the military sector cannot do that but because the military must so promote within its own ranks is why military leadership development is that paramount according to Hesselbein and Shinseki (Frances Hesselbein, 2004). Santamaria, Martino, and Climons first laid down the premise that although business and war are entirely worlds apart, the same principles apply to them because they both thrive in very competitive environments. The authors gave 23 true-to-life civilian examples followed by explanations before proceeding to compare and contrast 23 parallel true-to-life military examples (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). Like the non-original â€Å"Servant-Leader†Greenleaf with his 6th century BCE Tao Te Ching, the non-original â€Å"Maneuver Warfare†Santamaria has his more than 2,500 years ago genius and timelessness of Sun Tzus work The Art of War, especially in targeting critical vulnerabilities, surprise, focus, tempo (speed), and combined arms. The authors ask if they are really â€Å"natural or universal laws of warfare†; however, because the concepts are intuitive to the greatest strategists, generals, and CEOs, the authors have endeavored to transform such intuition into a systematic problem-solving approach that the rest of us can clearly grasp and then apply (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). These authors interchangeably explained the 46 examples in detail the workings of the Marine Corps Way by compressing Maneuver Warfare through these not only 7, but 10 Guiding Principles which when implemented singly and shortly is very powerful, but all the more deadly when applied in subsets or as an integrated whole (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). When these situationers are examined closely, potential businesses should achieve breakthrough results (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 1. Targeting Critical Vulnerabilities (Jason A.Santamaria, 2003): To attack and to swiftly take advantage of the competitor’s weaknesses after thoroughly studying both the allied leader’s group and the competitor’s situation (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 2. Boldness (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): When occasion arises to grab that opportunity to carry out calculated risks which can secure breakthrough results (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 3. Surprise (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): Using surreptitiousness, vagueness, and sham to confuse the competitors. And for them to outrightly disregard their knowledge of the allied leader’s group condition thereby prejudicing their capability to position well their assets against the allied leader’s group (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 4. Focus (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): Clustering together the allied leader’s group materiel at decisive places and times to take advantage of important favorable conditions to meet the allied leader’s group needs and objectives (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 5. Decentralized Decision Making (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): Designating responsible people for them to make their own judicious decisions nearest the action centers after they have timely and thoroughly assessed firsthand local information about the situation within the mission target area (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 6. Tempo (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): Recognizing prospective breaks, deciding, and executing plans more swiftly than opponents for the allied leader’s group to grab the upper hand and relegate the enemy to always be on the defensive and always to be confused by the allied leader’s group concerted and coordinated actions against the enemy (Jason A.Santamaria, 2003). 7. Combined Arms (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): Timing the allied leader’s group attack in such a way that his group’s people, vehicles, equipment with pre-planned sequencing become orchestrated as only one entity; whereas, if the allied leader’s group use them singly, the effect will not be as dramatic (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 8. Integration of Principles (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): When measured individually, these concepts give the best results when implemented in subsets or all are treated collectively as only one whole (Jason A.Santamaria, 2003). 9. Reconnaissance Pull (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): Reconnaissance pull is an illustration of implementing the concepts in subsets: the unintended reaction is an actual time happening to a golden chance to weaken or defeat the enemy, whereby when the possibility is afforded to the allied leader to surprise the enemy, that leader then familiarizes the greater organization towards the situation, with him assuming that leadership function in setting up and applying the attack. Reconnaissance pull covers four of maneuver warfare’s ten concepts: decentralized decision-making, targeting critical vulnerabilities, tempo, and focus (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003). 10. Full Integration (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003): Joining simultaneously all ten concepts together as one combined entity allows the person to effect the greatest outcome with much reduced cost of materiel (Jason A. Santamaria, 2003).
Monday, July 22, 2019
William Goldings Choice Of Language Essay Example for Free
William Goldings Choice Of Language Essay William Goldings choice of language in this extract sets the scene on the island. He uses simple words such as leaped and dashed to show the swift movements of Ralph, which also create the dramatic action. They show the distress Ralph is in whilst he is on the run from Jacks savages and his desperation to survive. Simple phrases such as shied like a horse at the sound of shrills also dramatise upon the action. These show how frightened and nervous Ralph has become, as horses usually are frightened and terrified of most things (i. e. too many people) The quote Most he was beginning to dreadmaking a simpleton of him is also another example of imagery as it describes how his mind may go suddenly blank (idea of the curtain), losing any sense of what was happening around him the curtain that might waver in his brain The idea of the curtain gives the impression of that he isnt in a good state of mind, as he is on he is on the run for his life, and also been hunted down by Jacks tribe. William Golding also uses a war reference in the book which is quite ironic, as at the time he wrote the book he was horrified by the events of WWII the advancing line would pass without discovering him. It creates the image of WWII and the Jews on the run from the Nazis trying to hide away and not be caught. Linked to the story it shows the Ralph is like a Jew on the run from Jacks tribe (Nazi army) and how he is an outcast. The sentence structure is quite different throughout, as some sentences are short, whilst others long. The shorter sentences build upon the dramatic action as it shows very fast action taking place. For example when Ralph is on the run the sentences are very short, too signify fast action He flung himself down by some ferns and when Ralph is thinking to himself the sentences are very long possibly to signify the chains of thoughts Ralph has on avoiding death There was no Piggy to talk sense. There was no solemn assembly for debate nor dignity of the conch. Some sentences also vary in complexity as some just state simple facts whereas others use devices such as imagery, within them i.e. jeered up into a blanket of smoke The quote jeered up into a blanket of smoke uses imagery as the word blanket created the image of the island covered with smoke. This technique is used frequently to try and help the reader understand the situation and what the character/surroundings are like. Another example of imagery is when it says bars and splashes of sunlight flitted over him and sweat made glistening streaks on his dirty body This creates the image of the intense sunlight reflecting off him because off the sweat and also give the impression he has been on the run for some time hence dirty body The language that he uses also emphasises upon the dramatic action as he uses short, snappy phrases that gets the reader gripped and immediately aware of the situation shrill and inevitable, was the ululation sweeping across the island Overall William Golding uses a combination of effective techniques to make his novel more of a success. The effect of imagery makes the novel more exciting and the short phrases he uses also emphasises upon the dramatic action he had planned for his novel to have.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The History Of Holiday Representatives
The History Of Holiday Representatives They are responsible for people between the ages of eighteen to thirty during activities and night life entertainment which is normally held in the clubs around. They have to meet and greet people at the airport so its their job to make sure they know the amount of people they have to pick up at the airport. They are responsible to have great communication skills and to be able to meet new people everyday who they will then have to look after for a couple of days. To the organisation As they will be clubbing away most of the nights including the representative they have to make sure that the surrounding areas are safe for their customers. Health and safety checks are important this is in case of an incident which could occur especially if customers get too drunk so therefore the most important thing is to keep the place clean as possible and keep things where you found them. To suppliers There job is also to sell excursion like club and pub crawls, events outside the hotel and pool parties so therefore there responsibility is to make sure they are buying tickets from appropriate suppliers at a reasonable price especially because the representative look after a lot of people every week. Roles and Duties Meet and greet (Roles) 18-30 representatives have to take thousands of passengers all over the Mediterranean every summer and so therefore they have to meet and greet many people. In order to be keep the passengers entertained they need to have a great knowledge in communicating with them and have loads of confidence and enthusiasm. Transfers They transfer guests to and from the airport and hotels every day, they control airport transfers which means its an early start to take the departures to the airport and meet all the new arrivals. They are there to make sure that there are no problems with lost luggage or coaches. Welcome meetings They have to conduct welcome meetings which could be every day depending on the amount of clients or customers coming into the resort that you are currently working at. Welcome meetings consist of all the information that the guests need to know regarding excursions and activities within the hotel itself. Information booklets They are busy every day looking after their customers and participating in many activities and going on different excursions but they may have a bit of free time to get together an information booklet. This will give customers an idea of what they will be doing during their stay. Health and safety checks They complete risk assessments and health and safety checks which is very important and they will also have to make sure everything is up to standard. When they conduct these checks they will need to report any concerns they may have to someone who is higher than them in their career, they report incidents which they think is serious and they are not able to resolve on their own. Selling (e.g. excursions, car hire) They organise the entertainment for pool parties, club and pub crawls and party nights and they print off all the tickets needed for the events during the week. They also get involved in the activities; they make sure all clubs are safe and that the activities are located in appropriate areas. Calculating payments (e.g. currency, commissions, liquidation) They have to collect and balance foreign money and have a great knowledge to how to give discounts; this may be used if a customer is not happy with their hotel room for example the flush handle on the toilet is broken. Calculating foreign money can be quite difficult so they have to make sure they are giving the right amount to the customers because all pounds and notes are different world wide. Administration and paperwork They sort out all the reports and make sure that everyone has all the paperwork which they will need for the airport and the resorts in general. They also check that no last minute bookings have been made and report all the tickets that have been sold and expenses and suppliers that have been paid out that week. Problem solving (e.g. overbookings, complaints) They answer customers queries and problems, for example a passenger may have an accident in one of the night clubs and have to been taken to hospital in an emergency so its their job to go on that hospital trip with that passenger. This is because you will have to explain everything that happened and also because you are their representative during their stay. Non routine incidents (e.g. accidents, illness, emergency situations) Accidents and illness are a major situation and if for example a customer has jumped into the pool completely drunk, 18-30 representatives job is to make sure that there is a life guard around to jump in and get the passenger out as soon as possible. Transfer Representatives Responsibilities To the customer They are responsible to meet and greet passengers at the airport and take them to their hotel resort along with a talk on their journey to their accommodation keeping them entertained with commentary talk. They also have to keep an eye of each customers luggage so they get given the right one and their main job is to collect money from their customers followed by a receipt to show proof that they have paid. To the organisation Their responsibility is to let the receptionist at the hotel know how many passengers they will be bringing in and taking out each day so they know what rooms to clean. Health and safety checks regularly are important so all passengers can feel safe around the area these include checking hotel facilities and if they meet the customers requirements. To suppliers Transfer representatives are required to transfer passengers to and from the airport so therefore they have to keep in touch daily with coach companies. The reason for this is because the drivers of the coaches will need to know what hotel and airport to travel to and also the number of passengers they will be carrying as there will need to be luggage space at the bottom of the coach. Roles and Duties Meet and greet (Roles) They meet passengers as soon as they get off the plane and arrive at the airport with a welcoming smile and the company placard which is always needed as you dont know what your customers look like. This is followed by showing them their way to the coach with their bags and luggage. Transfers They accompany holiday makers to and from the airport and hotels by coach and they are the first to be seen by the passengers so therefore they always need to be approachable and carry a smile with them everywhere they travel. Coach commentaries During the coach trips down to the resorts they will have to keep their passengers welcomed and entertained and are also responsible for conducting a welcome talk that includes basic information about the resort which they will be staying in. Welcome meetings They are normally held in the hotel itself which explains the drop offs which they will have to do regularly either at hotels or the airport, how long the trip will last altogether and when their welcome meetings will be conducted. Notice boards They have to read the transport department notice board on a daily basis to remind themselves what coach they will be picking their passengers up with, the time and date, name of airport, name of hotel and also the number of passengers they will be collecting. Health and safety checks They have to ensure all health and safety requirements are met in relation to transfers and carry them out on all hotels. This is important because you do not want passengers to carry a complaint about the rooms especially if its their first time staying in that hotel. Calculating payments (e.g. currency, commissions, liquidation) They will have to collect money from clients followed by a receipt to show evidence that the passenger have paid and also keep in mind the number of passengers they are taking making sure they identify their baggage. To help speed up the routine they could count the number of baggage personally. Administration and paperwork They have to accurately complete paperwork relating to transfers in relation with company guidelines and resort timeframes, complete basic records and write reports. Problem solving (e.g. overbookings, complaints) They have to deal with lost luggage and any injuries and thefts which may occur either at the resort or at the airport before getting picked up. Non routine incidents (e.g. accidents, illness, emergency situations) If any serious accidents occur or someone is seriously ill then they call for help as their role is to only complete the paperwork where they record the accidents for example; time, date, place, name of person and the accident that has happened. Childrens Representatives Responsibilities To the customer They are responsible to look after young children and keep them entertained by involving in a variety of activities in the hotel itself as well as outside and also to organise events and day trips out. Their main job is to tidy up after every mess they make and this is all due to health and safety, if an accident was to happen involving a child you will have responsibility for that and their parents will not feel safe to leave their child with you. To the organisation As they will be busy entertaining young children with board activities, quizzes, painting and drawing they have to make sure every area is clean and suitable for the kids to move around the room. Activities which are held in the resort itself can be quite nosy especially young children as they get excited easily, so therefore its the representatives job to make sure they are on their best behaviour and can keep the noise down as there will be people in their rooms and moving around the building. To suppliers Children Representatives are mainly required to hire a hall or a room at a hotel for the kids to be kept entertained for a day or two so they will have to rely on staff working in the hotel. This is because they will need to know where everything is to put it back at the end of the day and what equipment they are allowed to use. Roles and Duties Meet and greet (Roles) They have to build a great rapport with the children as well as their parents on arrival and explain how you will be their guide throughout their holiday; they will be responsible for escorting guests to their hotel. Welcome meetings They also hold a welcome meeting which consists of promoting holidays to the children and their parents advertising the childrens club alongside an overseas consultant. Notice boards Notice boards are required as they have to advertise what they will be doing each day, the times of each activity including snack and lunch breaks and also where the activities are going to be placed. The notice board will be up for the childrens parents to keep them informed of details of excursions as this includes travelling outside of the hotel. Information booklets Information booklets can be given out to parents and their children either on the coach, at the resort itself on the reception desk or even in their hotel rooms; this includes all the activities, excursions to do, restaurants around, fire exits and contact details of the hotel and the representative. Health and safety checks They have to focus on the health and safety of the children within the club environment and during the activities they participate in. This is to ensure no accidents or injuries occur within the resort and to make sure that the hotel is environmentally friendly. They also complete risk assessments for the childrens club and off-site as well as identifying the risks. Selling (e.g. excursions, car hire) They organise the activities to do and also the excursions meaning days out and taking the children to visit somewhere, they have to contact wherever they wish to visit and to let them know roughly the times they will enter and leave and also the number of children visiting. Calculating payments (e.g. currency, commissions, liquidation) They will have to collect payments from parents if they wish for their child to exit out of the hotel building and visit places with their guide and other children. They also need to have some background knowledge of different currencies because different countries require different types of money. Administration and paperwork Childrens representative complete accident forms in case of a serious fall which required an ambulance and they record incidents including; time, date, place and what happened. Their job is also to maintain attendance lists and register this is in case of an emergency where everyone has to leave the building, occasionally count that they have the right number of children with them, collect parents contact details and book in and out procedures. Problem solving (e.g. overbookings, complaints) They answer any questions parents may have and deal with any complaints for example a child was wearing a cardigan outside the hotel on her excursion with her team leader and came back to her parents without the cardigan. The parents will then argue about their daughters cardigan and it will be the childrens representative job to try and get it back by phoning wherever they had visited for the day. Non routine incidents (e.g. accidents, illness, emergency situations) Children have different needs; some have walking difficulties so therefore uses a wheelchair, some may be either blind or deaf, others may have an allergy to a certain food whereas others may have health needs e.g. eczema, asthma or diabetes. If any child has a serious accident for example a child on a wheelchair falls over then they will have the responsibility to deal with that so before looking after children they have to make sure they know each childs personal details. Organising activities (e.g. childrens club) They organising daytime and evening activities which include singing competitions, quizzes, board games, ball games which is held in the club, around the club and off-site. Excursions include children theme parks, aquariums, water parks, swimming pools, farms and zoos. They read bedtime stories to get them to fall asleep as some kids can be hyper from their day out and therefore cannot fall asleep. They also create safe activities for all ages, including anything from pyjama parties and sports days through to pirate and fairytale themed shows and activities. Managing groups Using their communication and observation skills they help all the children they look after to manage behaviour, resolve conflict and help them participate in activities. This will help them boost their confidence and enjoy something they have never done before or anything they thought they would never be able to do. Cleaning After each activity they are responsible to tidy up the mess which is left after a full day of different activities, this will help reduce accidents and injuries which could occur during the day if for example someone left a chair in the middle of the room.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Each of Us Has the Power to Change the World :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays
Since the beginning of the new millennium, the whole world has been seeking world peace harder than ever before. Ironically though, the world today has also seen tragic wars and conflicts that have the capability to destroy mankind. Possession of nuclear weapons, indiscriminate attacks against innocents, and abuse of human rights are the realities that we should not turn our back on but instead face up to. Strong individual, ethnic, and national identities sometimes lead to conflicts because they are entities which drive humans to become self-seeking, disrespectful, and often exclusionary. However, the process of becoming aware of individual identity also can result in the solution of international conflicts between people of different cultures and ethnicities. This happens because in the process of understanding who you are, you are also able to appreciate other people's identities. Hence, it is important for every single person, whatever culture or philosophy he or she possesses, t o believe that an effort made by an individual can directly solve future conflicts between people, no matter what their ethnic differences. One must understand conflicts to solve them. It is important to consider what they are, why they are, what characteristics they have, and how they can be categorized. Conflicts are natural among humans; people desire to protect their local society or, in the present, the international community. In fact, a conflict that maintains or eventually reunifies national identity is an advantage for human society.1 Imannuel Kant, an Enlightenment philosopher of the eighteenth century who strongly believed in international cooperation and peace, even stated, "All wars are so many attempts to bring about new relations among the states and to form new bodies...there is created a state that civic commonwealth can maintain itself automatically."2 In the same way, confrontation within a society sometimes has positive consequences. During the Civil Rights movement in the United States in the 1960s, African Americans were determined to draw a line between white people and themselves recognize themsel ves as an independent and equal entity. They suffered severe conflict to achieve this goal. Conflict exists today because we have ethnic or cultural borders that are not only geographical (i.e. national borders) but also psychological. These boundaries are often mutable and situational, however. In fact, many anthropologists define ethnic identity and boundaries in different ways. One of the reasons for the different definitions is that people choose which ethnic identity to use based on context.
Schools Should Provide Teenage Parents with Daycare Essays -- Teen Pre
As times continually change, it is inevitable that statistics will change as well. For each student that fails to graduate from high school, another statistic comes about. An American epidemic that forever seems to be looming on the horizon is the issue of teenage parenting and pregnancies. According to an article pertaining to teen pregnancies compiled from, the United States has been deemed the leading nation for teenage pregnancies in the Western industrialized world. Due to this statistic, it is important to evaluate what can be done to set up teenage parents for success, as well as what can be done for children born in to young families. In an article on teenage parenting compiled by Linda Mangel, it is said that nearly seventy percent of teenage mothers do not complete their secondary education, and because of this, it becomes evident that a solution is crucial. Secondary schools would benefit from considering the implementation of daycare systems in order to increase the graduation rate for teen parents. The debate as to whether or not daycares are appropriate for high schools poses an important question: does the placing of daycare centers in secondary schools condone teenage pregnancies? In an online journal obtained from MSNBC, it is argued that high school daycare centers do not effectively convey the ins and outs of teenage parenthood, and therefore appear to condone the concept of teenage pregnancies. The reality of this counterargument, though, is that the daycare centers exist solely to provide an ideal environment for the parent and child. As long as these daycare centers are not advertised and put out in plain sight for all to see, it does not appear tha... ... Chen, Grace. "Should Public Schools Provide Teenage Parents with Daycare? - Public School Review." Profiles of USA Public Schools - Public School Review. 24 Mar. 2009. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Mangel, Linda. "Teen Pregnancy, Discrimination, and the Dropout Rate." American Civil Liberties Union of Washington. 25 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. "School's Pregnancy Spike Stirs Day Care Debate - Health - Children's Health -" - Breaking News, Science and Tech News, World News, US News, Local News- 2 July 2008. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. "Teen Pregnancy Statistics - Teen Pregnancy." Teen Help - Advice for Parents and Teens. 2012. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Zuckerbrod, Nancy. "Schools Offering Day Care Centers -" News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - 25 Aug. 2007. Web. 29 Jan. 2012.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Smokng in Bars :: essays research papers fc
Smoking in Bars      Within the last several years, health issues toward smoking have become a very popular issue. All over the nation, college students are having to deal with secondhand smoke any time they want to go out and socialize with their friends in a bar. Secondhand smoke can be very detrimental to anybody that it encounters. It is associated with an increased risk for lung cancer and coronary heart disease in nonsmoking adults (TIPS). For years communities have been working to get smoking out of their workplaces, restaurants, and now they are pushing to ban smoking from bars. If you are a non-smoker, this is a very positive movement. It is never very much fun when you go into a bar to hang out with some friends and the whole place is covered with smoke. The whole next day, on top of maybe having a slight hangover, you will probably be coughing up a lung. Where is the fun in that? This law has already been passed in many places all over the United States. Only a select few are against what is trying to be done. When these laws were being debated at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, some bar and restaurant owners showed up to voice their opinions. They called it extremist, draconian and overly broad, saying it would cause the loss of jobs and the loss of city liquor taxes. They also said the law would set an uneven playing field because it allows smoking at restaurants with outdoor patios (Cooper). Of course, you might upset a few customers, but are people going to quit coming? Troja, a manager at Johnny’s Tavern in Lawrence, does not foresee the ordinance chasing customers away. â€Å"When it comes down to it,†he said, â€Å"they’re not going to stop going to their favorite tavern just because they can’t smoke there†(Cooper, par.7). An estimated 1,700 cities across the country restrict smoking, but only 74 have smoking bans that, like in Lawrence, include the workplace as well as restaurants and bars. (Cooper) This is great. Why can’t more people follow suit? An estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 35,000 heart disease deaths occur annually among adult nonsmokers in the United States as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke (TIPS). College students do not realize that they are putting themselves at risk every time they step foot into these bars.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Apple Computer Case Analysis Essay
I. Executive Summary Apple was formed by two college dropout students: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with the motto of â€Å"Think Differently†. Wozniak, the true technical mind behind the building process of Apple’s early computers, spent the summer of 1976 building the company’s very first computer, the Apple I.2 Meanwhile, Jobs began creating advertisements and found a buyer for the computer. The two Steves were able to build and sell fifty Apple I computersâ€â€all from within the confined space of the Jobs family’s single-car garage. This would mark the first of many successful products to come from the company. Later that time, Wozniak and Jobs began building the Apple II with the help of a few technically-savvy friends and classmates. It was at this time that Jobs first realized his true passion for the burgeoning computer industry. To fuel this passion, Jobs consulted with retired Intel Corporation marketing manager Michael Markkula regarding the possible future of Apple Computer. During this consultation, Markkula worked with Jobs in coming up with a solid business plan and even purchased one-third of the company for $250,000. After the success of the Apple I and Apple II, the company began work on the Apple III, which turned out to be their very first project failure. The Apple III proved to be an early sign of disagreements-to-come between the president Michael Scott and Steve Jobs. In fact, Scott laid-off 40 employees after the Apple III’s failureâ€â€without any consultation or approval from the Board of Directors. Because of his abrupt actions, Scott was demoted to vice chairman, while Jobs was promoted to chairman. Markkula, who had originally hired Scott, took over as Apple’s new CEO. Scott officially resigned from Apple in March of 1981. In the early 1980s, Steve Wozniak left the company and Steve Jobs hired John Sculley as the President of the company. After facing many failures, Apple launched its Macintosh computers for house hold users. With improvements in the GUI, the Macintosh became a â€Å"possibility box†for companies developing similar products.14 Enhancing some features from the Lisa, the Macintosh implemented a desktop, mouse, graphical file system, icons, bit-mapped graphics, menu bar navigation, applications running inside windows, and more. The Macintosh laid the foundation for the entire computer industry. The true look and feel of personal computers today can be attributed to the early design features of the Macintosh. The Macintosh, however, did not dominate the consumer market as the company had hoped. In mid 1980s, Steve Jobs had to leave the company because of his controversial relations with the president. At that time John Sculley rejected the offer of Microsoft‘s CEO, Bill Gates to license the Macintosh operating system to Microsoft. After this refusal, Gates developed DOS operating system and in late 1980s, thecompetition between DOS and Macintosh decreased Apple’s sale, workforce and resignation of John Sculley. So, Apple’s current CEO planned to purchase NextStep operating system of Jobs in order to improve the Macintosh operating system. In late90s Jobs again became the CEO of the company and be started surprising relations with Microsoft by developing a Macintosh version of office software. Apple also took cost saving measures like streamlining the product line, production of printers. Under Jobs, Apple again becomes the innovator of computer market. His leadership leads the company to USBand Firewire ports, introduction of iPod and iTunes website put Apple in the digital computing age. Apple manages its business on geographic locations. Apple’s sale is continuously growing. In the era of 2000, Apple made one bold move and that was to open retail stores in USA which somehow increased its sales. Its most impressive and fastest growing market is of iPod line of digital music players and iTunes music store website. The three major competitors of Apple are Dell, Hewlett-Packard and IBM, however Apple also competes with Microsoft in software industry. Dell is the largest computer manufacturer with extremely low cost production strategy. Dell has entered the in the line of music against Apple by its Jukebox. Hewlett Packard is a big brand name and leading provider of technology. Apple combined with IBM enjoyed profit jointly but now Lenovo took over IBM and become a competitor of Apple. Overall, Apple is continuously growing and its future seems bright. With the slight change in their strategies, they can become giants in technology industry. II. Statement of the Problem * How Apple can provide differentiated products with low cost in order to maximize its market share? III. Alternative Courses of Action A. Continue without any change B. Go for strategic alliance for producing specific products especially microprocessors C. Go for customized products D. Product Differentiation IV. Discussions of Alternatives A. Continue without any change If Apple continues without any change, then they can still produce innovative products, offer a high quality and exceptionally elegant designs and personalized services and also, they maintain their patrons and loyal customers by satisfying them with their products. They could also focus themselves more in their ipod and desktop sales while formulating for a better PC unit that will outsale their major competitors. But the downside of this is that if they will continue with this, they will still have a low market share, high operation and marketing costs, lacks the emphasis on the marketing scene of the company and also the gap between the giant companies will still be evident and might be extended. B. Go for strategic alliance for producing specific products especially microprocessors If Apple decides to go for strategic alliance –specifically with intel– for producing specific products especially microprocessors, then they will have a chance to reduce their costs since intel microprocessors are cheaper, faster and had lower power consumption. This would be perfect for producing computers especially portable ones because this is one important element that a computer must possess. There would also be a reduction in the product development process because they will work hand in hand with their ally. This means that half of the development and production will be worked by your partner company. Of course, sharing of resources will be put into practice and this would definitely decrease cost. The only problem in working hand in hand is that there’s a possibility of contradicting cultures of the company especially with their workplace relationship, their differentiated norms and the like. Privacy of developing innovative products will be slightly affected as well since they are supervising each other freely. But in contrast to all of that, Compatibility issues would also be resolved since the partner company can develop a program that is compatible with Mac and other existing OS. In result to this, this would totally increase the profit margin of Apple. C. Go for customized products If Apple will decide on the alternative to go for customized product then the targeted niche will be highly satisfied. Customers will of course go to what they prefer so this would increase their market share. They could also understand the changing environment easily since they are giving focus on customers’ preferences and there would be no new channels need to be introduced for sales. Some disadvantages of this are that cost will extensively increase. It would also be difficult to cater all requirements of the customers along with innovation. Chance of ambiguity will increase as well and this would be a negative effect to the brand name and because of this ambiguity, chances of failure may tend to increase. D. Product Differentiation Product differentiation is a viable strategy, especially if the company exploits the conceptual distinctions for product differentiation. There is economic value in that strategy. The primary economic value of the said strategy comes from reducing environmental threats. The cost of product differentiation acts as a barrier to entry, thus reducing the threat to new entrants. Not only does the company bear the cost of standard business, it also must bear the costs associated with overcoming the differentiation inherent in the incumbent. Since the companies pursue niche markets, there is a reduced threat of rivalry among industry competitors. A company’s more differentiated product will appear more attractive relative to the substitutes, thus reducing the threat of substitutes. V. Conclusion According to the current situation, the best strategy or alternative for apple is â€Å"Go for strategic alliance†. Its reason is that no doubt Apple is going fine now but for future growth it is must to create something new and stylish while keeping the cost optimized. This does not mean that Apple start making whole product with the collaboration, instead they have to go for alliance in making high cost products. This will help Apple in optimizing cost and development process with innovation. Somehow, a problem of conflict will occur but manageable. Nowadays, to sustain and compete in the market companies go for strategic alliances just to reduce the cost and gain high profit margins. So, Apple should go for this strategy VI. Recommendations The Apple brand, the company’s innovative capabilities, the quality of its marketing strategy, and continued success in building strategic partnerships are likely to determine the outcome of the company’s forays into the music, mobile phone, and video-on-demand businesses. Apple’s commitments and actions should be integrated and coordinated to exploit the company’s core competencies, strengthen its competitive advantage, and maximize value. The analysis reveals that, to secure strategic success, it will remain important for Apple Computer to be fanatically protective of the Apple brand image and adequately invest in the company’s competitive advantages in innovation and marketing. Some suggestions for achieving this include: * Carefully manage brand exposure. * Continually invest in research and development to stay ahead of and lead radical product and technology discoveries. * Enhancement of existing products in all areas (computer hardware and peripherals, consumer electronics products, mobile communication devices, systems software, applications software, networking and communications software and solutions, and Internet services and solutions) will maximize the value and the life of products. However, Apple needs to know when to engage in planned obsolescence to take advantage of the company’s market leader status. * Maintain and upgrade design appeal to reduce the prospect of new entrants. * The company needs to constantly assess if it is moving away from internal strengths or extending its reach too far beyond its known and manageable markets. * Vigilant management of costs – to maintain pricing flexibility and improve competitive position relative to low-priced competitors. * Leverage Apple’s 70% share in the music market to strengthen the performance of other applications. * Develop the top management team and a succession strategy to reduce over-dependence on one individual to advance the interests of the company. With Apple’s growth strategy, it is likely that Jobs will soon be stretched too thinly, if he is not already.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Secrets Behind the Secret Life of Bees
Style Analysis English Honors 1 30 April 2012 The surreptitiouss Behind The Secret carriage of Bees Novelist Sue monk Kidd in her halt The Secret living of Bees illustrates Lily Owens journey as she overcomes the irrationalities of racial discrimination, discovers the proponent of the female partnership, and defines the sizeableness of storytelling. Kidds purpose is to convey that even though society might drag a person down, the person s trough has psyche who believes in them. She too wants people to be able to understand how real racialism and l angiotensin-converting enzymeliness is, what one crumb do to rise above it, and how not to pose all of ones dreams into one belief.Kidd consumptions vivid imagination, poetical thingmabobs and a unique dialogue to set making the point of views on racialism in the 1960s, Lilys journey to decision a true role model, and the justice she craves so deeply, clear. Kidd use of goods and servicess a unique unwrap of the south ern buzzword in her impertinent, to air the racial discrimination that occurs in the scene of the record. To symbolize the racism in the story, the characters in the novel talk in slang. When Rosaleen, Lily Owens brother and maid, pours tobacco juice on a white military personnels shoe, Lily defines how deplorable the layuation is because the man Rosaleen poured snuff juice on was the biggest nigger-hater in Sylvan (37-38).This makes the racism towards Rosaleen clear by the use of the uncomplimentary word nigger in the dialogue. using up of this word creates a feeling of angriness within the ratifier. Another example of how Kidd uses dialogue in the novel to produce racism is near the reverse of the novel when Lily and Becca, sit at the tables in school. Lily is speaking to the reader and explaining how she and Becca have reputations as nigger lovers, (301) because they hang around and stand up for Zach, Lilys Afri give the gate-American crush.This displays one of th e m whatever irrationalities of racism by demonstrating how people can pigeonhole those who hang around colored people. Kidd also uses dialogue as an amazing device to express the mood and tone of the book. approximative the end of the story, Zach converses with Lily. He says, We cant be together now, but one day, after Ive gone forward and bend somebody, Im gonna look you, and well be together then (231). Zach makes this small talk because he realizes that racism exists in the introduction and takes it upon himself to become a bigger man and see through it.Overall, Sue monastic Kidd created the dialogue in the southern vernacular to attention elevate the tone of the novel, help people ameliorate understand the background and to assist the reader in envisage the scenes. Sue Monk Kidd of importly resorts to the use of synecdochical language to help the interview cleanse picture the events in the story. Kidd repeatedly uses imagery to creatively divulge Lilys surroundi ngs and give life story to it. In the very beginning of the novel, Lily pictures herself talking to her generate to the highest degree the gun incident. She pleads, Mother, concede. Please forgive (3).Then she pictures her mom kissing her skin till it grew chapped (3) and telling her she was not to blame. Kidd uses this descriptor of view to show the hearing of the book that Lily wants her mom to love her more than anything and that she wants the rectitude to the incident so the guilt she feels can vanish. Kidd also uses personification and metaphors many clock within the novel. She uses these two poetic devices to chalk up more character to Lilys personality. The use of this kind of figurative language better depicts the tone and mood of any scene. Kidd uses figurative language a lot when she is describing Lilys love life.For example, Lily speaks to the audience of the books when she says, I can tell you this much, the world is a spectacular big log thrown on the fires of love (133). Lily comes to this conclusion at the end of chapter 7 after she has her first advert interaction with Zach and has witnessed Neil and June have a fight. In these two very intense moments, she comes seem to face with love and learns that it not tho brings people together, but also sometimes drives people apart. Just moments before this quotation, Lily was impetuous with Zach when she realized, definitively, that she love him.The figurative language in this quote helps enhance the fact that Lily has become more mature while staying with the Boatwright sisters. The stand up main element Sue Monk Kidd uses in her novel The Secret Life of Bees is imagery. Kidd mostly uses imagery to stress the importance of believing in storytelling and the power of the female community. In the middle of the novel, Lily is lying in bed hurt from the truth about her mother. She describes her confusion and stress of the situation by saying, One minute I was conceive of of Zach and the ne xt I was hungering for my mother, imagining her calling my name, saying, Lily, girl.You atomic number 18 my flower (139). Kidd identifies the pain of being completely and the grief of truth through Lily. She uses imagery and diction in this quote to orison to the emotion of sorrow within the audience. This conveys a stressful, confusing tone within the book. In the end of the novel, Kidd appeals to the joyful and compassionate emotions of the audience when Lily says, I have more mothers than any eight girls off the street. They are the moons twinkling over me (302). This incorporates figurative language along with imagery, the importance of mothers, and the power of the female community into it.The meaningfulness and joyfulness of this quote conveys a quieten tone that reassures Lily will be advantageously looked after in her future and that she is loved by many people without the irrationalities of racism. In conclusion, Sue Monk Kidd uses four main techniques in her novel. T he first method is dialogue, which is meant to enhance the readers understanding of the setting and characters in the novel. The here and now style is the use of figurative language, which is meant to describe Lilys surroundings and give life to it. This also makes the text more elicit to read because the figurative language helps gaminess it up.The third aspect is imagery which is meant to batch readers in with a display of dyed words, images, and diction. Lastly, the use of the southern vernacular interconnected in Kidds work better personifies the characters actions and thoughts. It also helps the reader understand the setting of the novel better. Altogether, these techniques of writing in Kidds work help deeper explain the trey main themes the importance of storytelling, irrationalities of racism and the power of the female community. Works cited Kidd, Sue Monk. The Secret Life of Bees. New York Penguin Group, 2002. Print.
A Different Kind of Leadership
When The economist magazine recently asked 180 needers what the written report influence on future organizations would be, two-thirds of them said it would be squads and issue radicals. Clearly, the John Wayne model of leadership wont work. What is needed today is a different kind of leadership. People who cypher they can do it by themselves argon reasonably deluded. Despite these kinds of statements the cult figure of the Chief executive Officer still exists. They atomic number 18 enshrined, and be ilk celebrate too much.This is partly an American phenomenon. up to now throughout Europe in that location atomic number 18 beginning to be reactions against these icons for companies and these argon ominous signs for the future of figureheads. Groups, police squads, communities, partnerships, s realizeholders, colleagues, collaborators signal the final stage of the Great Man, the death of the John Wayne myth. As the rail line world becomes more than complex and in terdependent, executives cannot afford to lead in isolation.Instead, they must tap into the collective experience and expertise of their colleagues by creating real squadwork at buy the distantm levels of the organization. They need to build truly efficient leadership ag themes. Successful management in todays society be forever trying to seek out the virtually competent single(a)s to employ in specific roles in spite of appearance a business environment. The criteria on which an individual is selected are widely recognised as the common attri yetes of a leader.These qualities would include intelligence, forcefulness, sensitivity, patience, decisiveness, the soul would be reflective and dynamic, a good communicator as well as creation a good listener. The list of desirable traits continues to calculate the perfect leader-manager who would be takingsive and most probably flaw slight. In reality this person could not exist, scarcely because more of the characteristics reckon to conflict with oneness another. It is unbelievable that soul could be both forceful and peculiarly sensitive.The inability of a sensation individual to birth all the skills that are sought after, presents the opportunity for the driveing of a aggroup that certainly could. Teams also turn out the advantage that if a unmarried member of a group is unavailable, then the productivity of the team may not be impacted significantly, whereas if a single person had replete(p) responsibility for a labor movement and then was taken ill for example, any senesce due to be made on the line of work would be halted.Another problem with focussing on training individuals to a spicy level and thereof becoming close to reliant on that person is that, if that person decided to leave to take a position with a competitor or to take early retirement to spend time with their match then the business is left trying to con imprint for the loss. By focussing on teams the busines s is somewhat less exposed to these potential problems. However the phylogenesis of teams to provide protection against competitors poaching personnel, has become less effective, curiously in the service industries.An example of this kind of practise occurring was seen in November 1999 when a team of Merrill Lynch & Co. telecom analysts defected to Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB). This obligate Merrill to ruffle its depleted interrogation effort entirely as the firms telecom bankers were positioning to land the mandate on what could be the biggest initial public offering in history. The highly regarded telecom analysts Dan Reingold and Mark Kastan left Merrill for CSFB on 22nd November, taking with them a classify of cardinal other analysts almost Merrills entire U. S. telecom research team.With such an emphasis on the divisionulation of effective self-managed teams, the question of whether leadership is actually required arises. It has been suggested that to forge ge nius and to pass water a great group, the charming art of herding cats must perk upt. This analogy is used to raise the difficult skill of persuading members at bottom a team to carry out tasks they may not specially want to, and feel good about doing it. This mild skill is very important if a group is to have a member in a leading capacity. Some leaders have managed to conform to without having great great deal skills.Examples include Steve Jobs at mackintosh Computers, Walt Disney, Kelly Johnson at Lockheeds Skunk Works, and John Andrew Rice at Black Mountain College. In fact they have been described as having herded their cats with whips and and still produced phenomenal results. leaders typically provide direction and meaning that resonate in the heart, soul and mind. But many leaders of great groups are abrasive, if not honorable arrogant. Another analogy used to describe these people is that they are all alchemists. They are creating some social function out of not hing.They are creating something magical. They are creating an object of enchantment. An explanation given for why these team leaders were obnoxious at time was that when believing that they were involved in a group that would change the world, they could be afforded the opportunity of being a son-of-a-bitch for a time. If a group can be created that thinks they can ground a dent in the universe, as Steve Jobs told the team that created the Macintosh computer, ones personal foibles, losing ones temper, ones ardor become less important.If the team feels transported, and part of the excitement, the pulsate and the electrifying feeling of doing something that nobody has ever through before, arrogance on behalf of the leader can be excused. Undoubtedly this aggressive style of team leadership producing outstanding results is the exception to most group situations. The magnetized nature of the people involved probably had more to do with the eventual result rather than the flair in which they lead. Charisma is intangible, difficult to assess, and cannot be taught, yet can override all learnt skills of good team leading.However there have been studies that suggest that the genius of the leader may adversely affect the teams performance. Mary Fontaine, head of the Hay/McBers might practice, a U. S. management consulting group, carried out a study that found that team leaders with a innovation of managerial styles-authoritative, affiliative, democratic and coaching can be successful as long as they bring forward dialogues. However team leaders with a commanding managerial style were found to be far less successful at promoting dialogues.In short letter to the success of the individuals and their organisations mentioned earlier it was found that it wasnt the best and the brightest who excelled. drink the oxygen out of the room with excessive personal magnetism or with an intimidating intellect and self-confidence was a great deal detrimental to team effo rts, Fontaine says. The truly outstanding leaders frequently were those whose contri howeverions were less visible, who worked behind the scenes to create structures and primp for organizational supports that made it easier for their teams to excel.There seems to be a threshold level of team skills required to be a competent leader, and above this level personal appeal can either ramp up an average leader-manager into someone special or more likely stymy the groups performance. The predilectionl that leaders are not born, but make themselves supports this theory. A person may develop to be charismatic, however in order to arouse as a leader they must learn the necessary people or soft skills. These are the firmest skills to learn. They are the things that will make the biggest difference in organizations.Bob Haas, CEO of Levi Strauss, has said the hard skills are not getting the pants out the door. The hard skills are creating the work force that will be motivated to be produ ctive. So, the soft skills are the hardest skills. It seems that there is still a place for leaders inwardly teams, but not in the traditional sense. Leaders are purveyors of hope who suspend disbelief in their groups. They represent the groups needs and aspirations. They dont have sex that a task cannot be achieved.Most individuals are hungry spirits, and any leader who can dangle a dream before them usually gets their direction and the collective talents within a team make that dream a reality. Today the one thing that the majority of professional people want is to be inspired. For many years the qualities of individuals have been studied, and the successful characteristics copied. However the successful features of a management team are less well understood. A team has be more difficult to study than a single person.However there has been recognition of some of the of import elements of what makes one team more successful than another. A number of studies have been carried out to try to quarter the foundations of teamwork and the complimentary relationships between members. The format of the team and the relationships within seem indicative to whether the team is successful. It is not unavoidably the ability of individuals within the team. Given a free choice of members and the need to form a high-octane management team to solve complex problems, it would seem sensible to select members who have sharp analytical minds.This would suggest creating a team composed solo of smartly clever people. These types of people would be equipt for coping with major projects and big decisions. Creating a Think-Tank would ab initio appear to be the best solution for high profile managerial teams. However, studies carried out by Belbin think that the grouping of highly intellectual and similarly analytically minded people within a team in general does not produce the evaluate high performance.Belbin championed the result as Apollo Syndrome, named after the team consisting of the intellectually clever people that carried out the executive management exercises he designed. The analysis of these highly intellectual Apollo teams illustrated some of the flaws within the group interaction. A out coatd proportion of each individuals time was engaged in trying to persuade the other members of the team to scoop up their own peculiar(prenominal), well stated, point of view. No one seemed to convert another or be converted themselves.This was largely due to the ability to spot tripping points in each others argument. There was, not surprisingly, no coherence in the decisions that the team reached or was forced to reach. Subsequent to the eventual failure of the team, finishing detain in the exercise, the aftermath was marked by shared recrimination. If having a team consisting of homogeneous people with extol to members demographics, cognitions and high intellect does not create a successful group, then the obvious alternative would be to cre ate groups of heterogeneous individuals.Scholars have carried out studies to study the various types of diversity within a group. miscellanea differentiates individuals by the degree to which they are directly colligate to the task at hand. Job relatedness is one form of diversity and is an important property because it determines whether a particular type of diversity constitutes an increase in a groups total pool of task-related skills, information, and perspectives. The magnitude of this pool, in turn, represents a potential for more comprehensive or creative decision making. This concept has been studied by Milliken and Martins.The idea of having a diverse team to provide a wide spectrum of views has been used as a first point to formulate teams. However, teams do not just happen when people get together. At the start, a team is just a collection of individuals. And, like most collections, it is only as strong as its weakest member. The optimum number of individuals within a team is a major issue for discussion when creating a team. This figure would to some extent depend on the amount of work that needs to be performed. In general the larger the group, the greater the unseen pressures that make for conformity.These pressures may impinge upon an individual to the extent that in mass meetings, congregations and assemblies they feel anonymous. Behaviour within the group is further complicated by group structure. The stronger the structure, the less tolerance there is for dissenters or for any form of deviant expression. Where groups are unstructured, for example large rime of people meeting for a purpose but without any imposed constraints, studies have shown that rather than the individual recovering a sense of mature individuality, they are likely to revel in the anonymity which size offers.Investigations have discovered that large gatherings of people has the effect of either their constituents becoming excessively passive or, if full self-expressio n is permitted, inclined to irresponsible behaviour, aggressive verbal declarations, or even acts of destruction. In a team edifice situation this type of behaviour would clearly not promote the synergy and effectiveness that is sought after.
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