Saturday, August 31, 2019
Basket Exercise Essay
Georgina Ryan, HR Director SUBJECT: Speaking engagement next week Ms. Williams, Mr. Armstrong has been transferred to a new location, earlier than expected. My apologies, however, if you would allow me to fill in for Mr. Armstrong, I would be honored to address the Business Club It is common for a large number of calls to come in all at once. When this happens, the customer relations–contact employee is supposed to take the customer’s phone number and get back to him or her within an hour. We’ve found in the past that this is a reasonable target since, after a big rush of calls, things usually settle down for a while. But when we check up on the contact employees, we find that they get back to the customer within an hour only about one-third of the time. Sometimes they don’t get back to the customer until the next day! I sent a memo to all contact employees about a month ago reminding them of the importance of prompt responses on their parts, but it did very little good. We need a training program from your department to improve this critical performance area. Can we get together early next week? MEMO TO: Ralph Herzberg, Manager of Customer Relations From: Georgina Ryan, HR Director. New Training Program Ralph, we will definitely have to address this situation. Let me get with my training program administrator and work out a training session/schedule for your department. I will get back with you on a date and time for next week.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Building a Child’s Playhouse
This is an important issue because it concerns the welfare of children. Their mental health, wellbeing and recreation! The greatest parental happiness and the greatest parental worry are related to the joy and sorrow of their children. If you involve the children in building their own house, a Child’s Playhouse, you provide an outlet to them for their creative endeavors. But fortunately or unfortunately, commercialization of the Playhouse projects has robbed a big portion of creativity that really belongs to children.Yet, the concept of Playhouse still fascinates children and they feel a sense of involvement, in going through the literature, designs and colorful photographs concerning this project. Their involvement in the process of selection of the house thrills them. In the present day modern materialistic world, when there are too many unhealthy distractions for the children, to create social and home loving feelings in their minds is one of the solid achievements of conce pts like building a Child’s Playhouse. If such a house is at the countryside so much the better!It helps to cement the bonds between the children and Mother Nature with all her flora and fauna! If the children born and brought up in metropolitan cities were to stay in the Children’s Playhouse at the countryside, it will leave deep favorable impression on the formative minds. They will experience the difference between the concrete jungle and the real jungle of the birds and animals! Background information: Children are no ordinary market for the business giants. In fact, they are the main targets for food items and colas. The multinationals have staggering budgets running into millions of dollars to hook the children to their products.The business of costly, commercial Playhouses and Cottages has been taken over by the business community. â€Å"Do-It-Yourself Playhouse Building Plans, Build a new Playhouse, Play Fort, Kid's Cottage, or Child-Size Backyard Cabin for yo ur kids. These plans are crafted by experts and by the editors of magazines like Family Handyman, Garden Gate, WOOD Magazine, Workbench and more. They come with clear illustrations and step-by-step instructions to make your work easy. Most of the plans include complete material lists. (Summerwood Products)That’s about the real Playhouse, let us say, the architect’s playhouse, which is like a housing project, with the stamp of children’s enjoyment program. Naturally, the main emphasis of such types of Playhouses is what maximum happiness and sporting activities the house can provide for the children! In the construction of such Playhouses, the role of children in the process of construction and finishing is very limited, because every thing is related to the house arrives in a packed container/parcel, and the assembling part of such ‘engineering units’ also belongs to the company-trained personnel.Sometimes, children are mere observers; only they get the visual joy of the house being assembled by experts in front of their eyes. It is not possible to provide clear cut dimensions of a playhouse . The design and the area can be anything. The definition of a playhouse is, â€Å"a small structure that looks like a house and is big enough for children to play in. †(Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary) The children did build their Playhouses and found their own channels of happiness since time immemorial. But the models and designs have undergone metamorphic changes.In olden days, children built Playhouses using mud, tree leaves and branches, to play and enjoy the games created by them. They were low budget or no-budget playhouses, created for the sake of temporary enjoyments, during week ends and during holidays. There was more joy and less capital investment in such Playhouses. The study of the problem: During my study of the Playhouse phenomenon, I found the mushroom growth of playhouses of all sizes, varieties and d esigns. It has become a fashion with the city folk to own a Children’s Playhouse at the countryside. It is ‘construction activity’ in full swing!The Child’s Playhouse has almost become synonymous Holiday Homes built for employees by Banks, Multinational Corporations etc. The original purpose of building the play house for children was altogether different. It was by the children, for the children and to the children! If it is a real playhouse for children, the joy and the activity element in building the Playhouse, needs to be the exclusive property of the children. If the children remain present during the inaugural ceremony of a newly constructed playhouse by their rich parents, well, it is still a playhouse but much of the joy essence is not in it.Let the parents spend some quality time with their children. Have a close look at this observation by a father happily observing his child engaged in building something of her own! â€Å"Later, while recoveri ng from the shopping experience, I didn't notice Ana busy in her room–until I was called for a â€Å"fitting. †Resting on green sponge soles was a converted shoe box, with painted laces hooked around colored paper clips. My new â€Å"shoe†had everything: bagel stickers on its sides and sports-card toes, rivaling the best in-store models.Children in today's â€Å"media generation†often don't make things at home, and they often construct objects only in cyberspace. Computer games, and even the new Logos[R], come with hefty instruction manuals for constructing very specific pre-determined forms. Art teachers need to consider the importance of children making things, building by hand, constructing their own objects without formulas or patterns. †(Szekely, February 2001) Cost of building a Playhouse and material required: This is a highly hypothetical question and no fixed answer can be given.It all depends upon one’s requirements and plan. Wh at is important is the involvement of children in the construction of the house. That is the real Playhouse. It can be a low-budget simple cardboard playhouse, created by appliance boxes. Children need not be told how cut holes, windows and doors and install air conditioners! You can provide the children with dozens of boxes so that they can build a real big playhouse with all the furnishings like curtains, wall decorations and even a table tennis court! They can paint the house and make the interior decorations of their choice.And if you wish to go for real Play Houses, all that you have to do is go through the various catalogues and do the selection in consultation with your children, the real masters of the Play Houses! The material used for such Playhouses is of high quality and as per approved specifications. The Playhouse comes with a warranty of 5 years or more. The total cost of the Playhouse will be as per your budgetary allocations. Conclusion and recommendations: Children have endless possibilities and confidence. The parents and the teachers have a great responsibility to wean away the children from the net games.This is not to say that the net games are totally bad. But moderation in this area is the need of the hour. Children, love physical activity! Their real joy is in creativity, involvement, create playthings, alter playthings and destroy playthings. Building playhouses needs to be an important part of the syllabus for children, where the teachers should be mere observers. Watch and note what the children do, left to themselves. They can be given broad hints. The mention made about the responsibility of teachers and parents is just not an academic issue. Spending maximum time with your children is the social need of the present times.The distractions for the children and the younger generation are too many. Involvement of the parents in the activities that interest the children is one way to control them in the positive way. Staying in a play house and engaging with the children is good for both! Finally, try to awaken the hidden genius within your child. By allowing him to construct and have his own Play House! Word count: 1317. . Works Cited Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary. Summerwood Products, Designers of Fine Outdoor Structures Szekely, George. Handmade Art, Arts and Activities Magazine, February 2001.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Analysing Constructivism In International Relations Theory Politics Essay
Analysing Constructivism In International Relations Theory Politics Essay With its opposite position to mainstream International Relations (IR) theorists’, rationalist or positivist (neo-realism and neo-liberalism), explanations to international politics, constructivism could be perceived as the development of group of critical theories that contested the way in which IR should search for knowledge in 1980s, the period Yosuf Lapid (1989) describes as â€Å"the Third Debate†. Although scholars who subsume to constructivist idea acknowledged this point, they argue that constructivist ideas toward IR are not exactly the same with its predecessor. The like such as Ted Hof (1998) and Christian Reus-Smit (2001) point out that constructivism is focus on the way in decoding the international social phenomenon through empirical analysis as well as normative approach. It also emphasize on the role of identity in determining agent’s behaviour and the mutually constituted between agents and structures. These concepts are not fit in to the mindset of critical theories, which tend to employ different aspects of social exchanges as a unit of study in trying to understand the nature of international politics. Having asserted that constructivism is neither rationalism nor critical theories, this essay aims to explore the uniqueness of the particular theory and its prominence in IR in the globalization stage, where the explanatory power of, the dominant, realism seems to be less tenable. This essay is divided into three parts: firstly, exploring premised concept of constructivism; secondly, giving empirical observation regarding the North-South relations through constructivist view; lastly, wrap up the study and assess the promise of the theory as one of the key approaches in the field of IR. What is constructivism? The rise of constructivism after the end of the Cold War not only contest the limited account of rationalism, both neo-realism and neo-liberalism, in explaining the changing order in global politics but also, at the s ame time, put forward critical theories beyond its territory by subsuming to the normative and empirical analysis. Rationalists, both neo-realists and neo-liberalists, share the same premise toward the structure of IR and how states response to it. As a result of Lakotos’ theory construction model and microeconomic theory, they have a common view that states are self-interested and rational agent within the anarchic international system, states perceive IR as a venue for maximizing their interests, thus, the way states act is subject to the power they get from the distribution of material power within the system, this also lead to hierarchy in IR (Reus-Smit, 2001). On the other hand, critical theories which might not pay much attention on the structure of IR, they are more interested in meta-theoretical debate which rationalism. They oppose the epistemology and ontology that are postulated by rationalism, which lead to their rejection of using normative or universalist approa ch in studying the discipline. This part of essay is going to differentiate premise ideas of constructivism with the other two branches of thought. Ted Hof (1998) highlights that the key premised concept of constructivism is an intersubjective set of meanings, a shared meaning in a society, which can be in a form of social norms or social practices. According to Hof (ibid), intersubjective set of meanings plays a vital role in formulating, another important focus of constructivism, state’s identity. Social norms are the foundations that influence state’s behaviour and that behaviour creates interactions with others who, through the reproduction process, will recognize this behaviour as state’s identity. Whereas realism emphasizes on distribution of material capabilities in the anarchic system of IR, constructivism views that normative structures are of importance as well as material capabilities. As having asserted by Reus-Smit (2001), normative structures are t he thought to shape the social identity of political actor. The norms that determine actors’ identity can go in parallel between International practices and internal elements. Having focused on how normative structures shape actor’s identity, constructivism provides an account for the development of interests as well as actor’s perception toward others. According to Alexander Wendt, the prominent constructivist scholar, â€Å"identity is the basis of interests†(1992: quoted in Reus-Smit, ibid), constructivist scholars hold that by having examined the connection between identity and interests, it is possible to provide room for understanding why each actor sometimes views the same situation differently.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Should English be declared as an official language in the United Research Paper
Should English be declared as an official language in the United States - Research Paper Example On the other hand, people are arguing that English should be made an official Language because it promotes the cohesiveness of the country. I feel that immigrants should learn English at their own will and benefit. Though Official English cohorts assert that America needs English-Only as law as making it the official language will segregate the immigrants, English needs no defender as it is the language with the fastest expanding usage worldwide. While the English cohorts also argue that Official English will speed up English assimilation, statistics prove otherwise by the waiting list for English as a second language, which would be cut down by law. Statistics show that in that last two centuries, proponents for having English as an official language have justified their position by stating only tow main themes, patriotism and rational and racism. Official English also can contribute to segregation of U.S. citizens from noncitizens, despite their country of residence. Let us have Be lgium, Turkey and Canada as examples: In these countries, no hitch was experienced and benefit achieved by the proposed law on having one official language. This should to be taken as a lesson to the Americans. Having English as an official Language will make communication for non-English speaking immigrants extremely hard. Federal publications in other languages, for instance, are used to clarify tax laws, veterans’ benefits, consumer protection, medical precautions, fair housing rules, and business regulations. The process involved in enacting the rules governing law, and its implementation is also wanting. Yaldem points out that there will be need to have departments to define English and how it must officially be used. Alignment on how it is to be taught in schools and creating a list of possible exceptions with the likes of airport signs should also be implemented. Such processes are too involving and costly thus not worth it. The most affected are non English speaking i mmigrants because accessing and rendering services becomes a significant problem. Communication is an essential aspect of the day to day life. Without it, it leads to frustrations and other adverse psychological traumas associated. Making English as an official Language in America will deny foreigners a chance to live in United States as the foreigners will be expected to be in a position to speak English before they are allowed entry into the country. Immigration interpreters who help during mental and physical examination of aliens seeking entry to the State will not be availed which means the burden of communication lies squarely on the foreigners. The immigrants involved in court cases will also have a rough time in defending themselves because of lack of interpreters in civic, federal and criminal proceedings. Accessing social and health care services becomes a problem too. Employing people with a variety of languages is advantageous especially in public places such as in hospi tals as it makes communication easy among people from different backgrounds hence this should be taken into consideration by those proponents of a single official language. Since early 19th century, United States has been allowing immigrants to the country. An analysis made from the census report indicates that there has been a fast growth in immigrants learning English. The number of immigrants who have developed interest in learning English has grown from 1.9 percent to 6.2 percent
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing Planning and Strategy LASA2 (Marketing Plan)2 Assignment
Marketing Planning and Strategy LASA2 (Marketing Plan)2 - Assignment Example On the other hand, the company enjoys other opportunities which it has been able to make good use of to make BMW among the most powerful market share holders in the world. In analyzing both the strengths and weaknesses within the marketing strategy of the company, proposals are made on the possible ideal practices that would improve the quality of products and expand the market of the companys products. BMW is among the leading producers of cars of premium standards within the automotive industry. The company is distinguished from the rest by its unique design, luxurious and high quality approach of its products (Curnow, 2007). The company has been subjected to a healthy competition from other market actors, especially in the form of low-price substitutes, which is the biggest threat to the company’s products. However, BMW has often demonstrated strength in the financial results hence retaining much of its shares in the market. This paper aims at analyzing the BMW marketing strategy, the strengths and weaknesses of such practices in its quest to maintain relevance in the flooded automotive market (Evans, 2008). In addition to this, the paper proposes the probable changes that could enhance the efficiency of the company as far as adapting to the current market dynamicity is concerned, as evident through the current mix in the market. BMW is one of the most coveted and strong manufacturers of cars in the world. The company boasts of a strong financial performance as compared to its competitors, which has undoubtedly enhanced the loyalty level among its customers (Papasolomou and Kitchen, 2011). It is on this basis that the company has been often ranked as one of the companies with high customer satisfaction indexes in the world. While many large manufacturers of cars struggle with the unstable market, which has led to fall in the sales, profit and market shares, BMW continues to enjoy expansion and growth in its motor production (Gabrielsson, Gabrielsson and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Questionnaire about ulcers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Questionnaire about ulcers - Essay Example rses have to face significant challenges while extending maximum care to the patients of leg ulcers because these patients undergo severe mental trauma apart from the physical wounds and stress. Additionally there is high risk of contact allergies among these patients and hence they must be treated very carefully (Smart, et. al., 2008). In order to meet these challenges nurses are required to have strong understanding of various concepts associated with leg ulcers. Moreover, they should be given training under the supervision of senior physicians prior to attending serious patients (Wound Care Training, 2013). International practice and research indicates that strongly integrated nursing services can actually reduce the adverse effects of leg ulcers (Harrison, et. al., 2005). Furthermore the use of compression technology has also proved significantly beneficial for the overall treatment of these patients (Harrison, et. al., 2011). 10. Research indicates that only 16% of healthcare providers are confident about their diagnosis and prescription of leg ulcers (Graham, et. al., 2003). Why is that so? How the knowledge and confidence of physicians can be
World War 2 - War in the Pacific Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
World War 2 - War in the Pacific - Essay Example e Imperial expansion occurred from the time that the Empire was founded in 1868 until its ultimate dissolution as a result of its defeat and the conclusion of the Second World War. After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese Empire began what would become a very long period of territorial expansion, belligerence, and colonialism within the theater of the Pacific. As with many empires, the expansions and quests for territory and resources were not merely limited to a small region within the Pacific; rather, when taken as a whole, the Japanese conquest which lasted up until the conclusion of the Second World War was something that spanned thousands of miles, ranged across peoples, culture, religions, and languages, and sought to bring a wide area of places under Japanese Imperial rule. Yet, as has been stated, this did not occur all at once. Instead, the territorial expansion under the Japanese Empire began as early as the First Sino-Japanese War (fought between 1894-1895). As one might expect, the origin of this war was not over Chinese or Japanese territory as such but rather over control of the buffer zone between the two powers; the Korean peninsula. Balance o f power politics dictated that as soon as Chinese sent troops into Korea at the request of the Korean government as a means to quell an uprising that Japan responded by sending troops of its own. As a result of this war, Japan came to be in command of almost the entirety of the Korean peninsula as well as the island of Taiwan; ceded to Japan as a result of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. Such marked the first true foray into territorial acquisition that the Japanese Empire experienced. Following this acquisition, Japan participated in the Boxer rebellion by way of sending troops into parts of Manchuria and other areas under the pretense of suppressing the rebellion. To the Empire’s credit, such an action was not taken alone; in total a full six European powers plus the United States also participated in
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Web 2.0 and a Small or Medium-sized Business Essay
Web 2.0 and a Small or Medium-sized Business - Essay Example 19). One of the major and most important advancements of technology is the internet which has significantly changed people’s lives and how they do business. Specifically, internet has facilitated the development of social media and related developments under the banner â€Å"Web 2.0†which has been central to business operations in the recent times. Web 2.0 refers to the concept that uses internet network (World Wide Web) as a platform for sharing information, collaboration, user-centered design, and interoperability among individuals and companies (Lincoln, 2009, p. 11). Web 2.0 platforms give users the opportunity to collaborate as well as interact with one another as creators and users of content that is user-generated. This technology is revolutionary in the sense that it allows collaboration and interaction among users in a virtual community unlike other websites that limit consumers to passive viewing of the contents that have already been created for them (Elliot t, 2004, p. 27). Web 2.0 platforms include social networking sites, web applications, blogs, hosted services, and video sharing sites among others. The fact that social media has grown exponentially over the years means that no business can ignore it, as it is very critical to the success and performance of businesses (Shah, 2010, p. 16). This paper will discuss the potential of social media and related developments under the banner â€Å"Web 2.0†for helping a medium-sized business (Proxar IT Consulting) to communicate with customers and to share knowledge between its staff. Web 2.0 technologies use internet network (World Wide Web) as a platform for sharing information, collaboration, user-centered design, and interoperability among individuals and companies. Several studies have shown that Web 2.0 has a wide range of generic business benefits that emanates from the adoption of developments in web services, software as a service, and interpersonal computing (Nair, 2011, p. 46). The first generic benefit is that Web 2.0 can help a business improve its ranking particularly in the search result and therefore extend its presence onto other sites. This is important to any business in the sense that it builds high quality links to the company and therefore increases the exposure of the business (Chaney, 2009, p. 35). However, for this to be more efficient, the content should be made relevant to staff and existing and potential customers. The second generic benefit is that it helps in the brand management of the business and helps them to protect their reputation. Proactive use of Web 2.0 can remarkably help to build and find relationships with customers, as well as improve relationship between employees (Lincoln, 2009, p. 19). In addition, Web 2.0 is beneficial to businesses because it enhances relationships between the business, its partners, customers, and staff. Through social media, customers, employees, investors, and partners find the platform to inte ract and collaborate (Lee, 2010, p. 114). Another generic business benefit of Web 2.0 is brand awareness; it presents businesses with incredible opportunity to generate content that brands the company in good light and therefore generate brand awareness to the targeted audience (Elliott, 2004, p. 44). Social media has proved to be fundamental in building consistent presence and therefore enhances brand awareness for any business that uses it. More importantly, Web 2.0 technolog
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Wal-Mart's Recovery from the Bribery Scandal Essay
Wal-Mart's Recovery from the Bribery Scandal - Essay Example They covered evidence from the previous investigation, and the accused were never punished. This was against the moral and ethical standards upheld by the company as it pursued growth in Mexico (pp.2). Giving bribes and promoting the accused employees did not display any morals or business ethics. This was an example of impunity by a leading world retail market. Investors believed the significant growth experienced by Wal-mart de Mexico was a model for future growth and the most successful investment business. Corruption allegations and evidence that was unearthed by investigators was a substantial setback to investors. The top executive was supposed to prevent any misconduct by the company, but they orchestrated the bribes. This was against what investors expected from them, and a break of their trust. According to Cicero (pp.3) he had dispatched lawyers to deliver large amounts of cash to government officials who dealt with issuing of permits. This enabled the company open several branches within a short time. The company had hired gestores to conduct the bribes, who would in turn receive 6 percent of the bribe money. These were additional expenses by the company. This was an enormous misuse of investor money and an apology from the CEO would be one way of regaining their trust. ... It was discovered a few days later that a top lawyer planned to ship files of internal investigators to Mexico (pp.2). The company executives had failed to cooperate with FCPA, which was against corporate conduct. After the first allegations in 2005, a group of executives began working secretly to conceal those claims and prevent deep investigations (pp.3). Investigators also received resistance from powerful executives implicated in the scandal in order to impede and conceal the evidence (pp. 3). The company had hired an external law firm to conduct investigations, but their approach was rejected by the company leaders. They were replaced by internal investigators who conducted a preliminary inquiry (pp. 8). Investigators found that gestores had received millions of shillings and the top executive was aware of the payment. They had used codes that different from other billing records, which could only be understood by specific workers. These payments were to speed up expansion plans by the company instead of following legal procedures to acquire those permits. The management worked hard to end the investigations and hide any inquiry until it was reported again in 2012. This was a sign of poor leadership and corporate citizenship. The company had acquired market dominance through fraud, and corporate accountability is necessary for rebuilding its reputation. This would open the company to scrutiny by shareholders and the public regarding its business activities. A corporate website would help accountability and the public scrutiny process. With the current development in internet technology, a public website would provide accurate information to the public and other interested parties. The company can make crisis information available on the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Diabetes Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Diabetes - Article Example When conducting this research, I noticed that the methodology employed was representative because it employed random sampling thus avoided any instance of bias, the sample size of 190 participants was essential in minimizing the margin of error, and the study was approved the board of the university of Hawaii hence making it a professional research endeavor. The qualitative nature of design was essential in understanding the real effects of diabetes and offered the participants with an opportunity to offer their views.The data collection and analysis techniques were above standard because I noticed that a third layer analysis managed to examine the main subjects of the responses and identified the barriers to service needs of diabetes. When conducting the research, I found out that the results of the research fulfilled the objectives of the study. I discovered that the disease had pervasive effects on the lives of participants who had diabetic, there were a number of barriers to management of the conditions,participants needed psychological and social support to deal with emotional impacts of the disease, and need for monetary support was addressed. From my analysis and study, the conclusion managed to cover all issue involved in the findings and how they can be applied to the society in general. The study offered an insight on challenges of diabetes, how the challenges can be handled and future initiatives to combat the disease.As such, the conclusion is relevant to the study. My7 study does not have a clear implication of study how I can recommend that diabetes being a metabolic disease needs to be given much attention by healthcare fraternity, policy makers and the society in general. Landry Fukunaga, Denise Uehara and Tammy Tom.(2011).Perceptions of Diabetes, Barriers to Disease Management, and Service Needs: A Focus Group Study of Working Adults with Diabetes in
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Class Divided Essay Example for Free
Class Divided Essay When I first read the title a Class Divided; the first thought that came to my mind was another story about Blacks and Whites being separated. I really had no idea that what I was about to see and read would be a learning lesson like one I had never had before. But to my surprise once I started reading the article One Friday in April 1968 I knew that this was going to be different then any thing I had read. So I allowed myself to fill what the writer was writing to try and fill what Jane Elliott had felt that day in April in 1968. As she prepared to face a group of 3rd grade students who happened, to be white and teach them about racism and discrimination something she hoped they would understand the rest of their lives. Jane Elliott had taught her class about what the two things had mint before but not on the level she had planed to go to today; she hoped that with what she was planning to do would not mean she had crossed the line to far, but if not her then who and if not then when. It was not something that Jane Elliott could put off any longer. With the assassination of Rev Martin Luther King the night before this assignment was sure not to be an easy task. Jane Elliott knew things would be different in class this morning! But she was a women who knew in her heart what task laid before her and not quite sure how the outcome would be, or how or what response the children or their parents may have it was to late too turn around now. This was a situation that was going on all over the world not just in her town or in America. And it was time that someone brought right to the face of Americans children I mean who is the leaders of tomorrow but the children of today. And they might as well get a taste of the real world now; really what could the worst that could happen? You might find out that even at that young age, some of them might even understand that racism and discrimination is something they never want to be a part of or on the flip side you would have a bunch of racists’ running around; it was best to know now what kind of people were being raised instead of finding out later when they get to old to even change. The technique that Jane Elliott used was very different then any I had heard about and since by the video I knew there where no blacks in her class to see how she would divide the class I was very interested. And here white women a teacher from a rule town was willing to put and idea a solution of an age old question of how to stop discrimination. Something the nation had no solution to and countries and people were battling over everyday. How was this demonstration with kids going to change anything? Jane Elliott took a chance not just for wanting to teach students about racism and discrimination but teach it in a manner in which you as a person could actually feel acknowledge and understand the experience that they just went through to know how it feels to walk in another man shoes. Jane wanted her students to understand that at the end of the day no one is superior or inferior to anyone else no matter what your status is in life. Now I admit I had no idea how she was going to approach this difficult task and get the point across but as I continued to watch on, it was becoming clearer. When Jane Elliott started her class the following morning it started off I guess you could say any normal class day would start the students seem to be as happy as the average 3rd grader would be. The normal inquisitive minds of most kids; as the kids hung up there coast and put away their coat and lunches away she started getting the kids in order and as class started she asked them a question like did they know what were some of the things that made other people different from themselves and other whites. Some said size one said clothes but color was the one they all could agree on and so she asked them what where some of the skin colors that where different then their own? Blacks and sometimes they were called Negros and Indians. So she asked the kids and how did they think that people of other colors felt by feeling different about being different they said they felt that blacks did not feel as smart by not being white, and they felt stupid because they were black. And so with that she asked them how they would fill if they were treated different because of their color! Now keep in mind this is the week of national Brotherhood and you are suppose to treat your fellow mates with respect and love show them you care because they are your brother. And Jane Elliott was about to do just the opposite. She asked them how would they fill if they where treated different because of the color they where now at first I’m thinking how is this going too work they are all white. But she told them that she was going to divide them up by the color of their eyes. Now for that day all people with blue eyes were going to be better then the brown eyes and it was like immediately you seen a whole different reaction from the class, it was if these weren’t even the same kids the brown eyed kids started to withdraw almost immediately and the blue eyes were in full bloom. Some of the blue eyed kids even gave a solution on how Ms Jane should handle the brown eyed kids with a yard stick incase they got out of hand. Now by lunch time the blue eyes felt on top of the world they told not to play with brown eyed kids and that they could have seconds on food the brown kids could not. Now for the brown eyes you could see the confusion on their faces the hurt they actually tried to rationalize how the same kids they had been friends with and played with change so much. And I remembered thinking how could in such a short period of time could these sweet kids turn into the ill monsters they has become. For me it was like if it took them such little time to embrace such a cruel sprite then I knew how it must be for grown people who exercise this kind of behavior for a long period of time how bitter and angry they must be not at the world but themselves. Now one of the scenes on the playground when the blue eyed boy taunts the brown eyed boys and they get into the brawl it hurt because before this experiment they were friends. And just in a couple of hours all there upbringing and brotherly love had went out the window. Now when Jane asked the boys what happen the blue eyed boy said it made him fill powerful and in charge? He said it made him fill like a king. The brown eyed boy to me on the hand seemed to be more affected by what had happen at lunch he said he was hurt and they use to be friends that the eyes had nothing to do with it they had been friends and even though he hit the blue eyed boy it did not make him fill better. This made me see that even though this was the first time they had put a division among the students the lust for power emerged quickly in some with out hesitation and others went along with it because that’s what they were told to do while again the brown eyed boy stood up for himself regardless of what the teacher said even though he admitted that he did not like being treated different and fighting did not make it better he just knew it was not fair. On returning back to class Ms Jane also noticed how the blue eyed kids were getting there work done faster and even being more helpful she noticed how the brown eyed kids looked like they where helpless and not really participating in class time you tell they felt rejected. It was as if had caught the essence of creating a bad situation but had the answer for straitening it out all was not lost. Jane announced to the that the roles had changed the following morning in class and believe me the blue eyes where not to happy with the change this mint they would be on the bottom and the brown eyes were on top. Some kids did not want to do it anymore while others could not wait to be on top. What this showed me with kids is that they do as they see being done just as well as what they hear. When it was time to go back to being normal no more blue eyes no more brown eyes over all the kids seemed to be happy to return to the normal class setting; she allowed the kids to tell what they like and disliked better about it and in the end the all promised not to ever dislike somebody because of there skin color. When Jane Elliott did this same experiment in the jail there was a whole different reaction here the video was showed to the inmates not as a test but more as a teaching tool which I kind of understood discrimination is something that most of the prisoners had encountered some where along the way either in there or one of the reasons they where in jail in the first place. But she did use the correctional officers and parole agents and I could not believe what was going on one man early on caught on that it must have been some kind of test because he notice the obvious brown eyes only signs blue eyes only signs seating situation while others tried very heard but it was this one lady she was a blue eye and a correctional officer she questioned and taunted everything that Jane wanted them to do prior to the blue eyes meeting in the room with the brown eyed people she sort told them that the group of people entering were going to be rude loud dominant and disruptive once the seminar bega n. No one knew what was going on but she was setting the blue eye people to fail. She made them annoyed in every way possible so about time the group was together it would seem that the blue eyed people were just as she described. Now the Lady with the blue eyes seemed to be the type of person that was easily irritated to start with her whole persona was if she was in charge and not Jane she answered questions with questions kept getting smart like she was going to be in charge no matter what it was her life and job were one in one and nobody was going to make her fill less she controlled the inmates at work and that was how her personality came off as if she did not come second to anyone things went her way or no way and that there is only one right answer hers; she became very annoying too me and she made me fill like some people In authority position now like its only their way that works does on like individuality love making people fill less in order for them to feel good about the mselves. It seems if the other blue eyed people were willing to try and work out was being taught she kept a defensive block up all the time. Her behavior had begun to annoyed a lot of the people in the room including some blue eyes This also made me see how much easier it was for the children to grasp what was being taught; more then the adults the kids were willing to say that how they were able to treat people even when they were told to do so if it mint treating them bad they did not like it. Of course for the one kid who felt like it gave him power. The correctional officer Acted, as if to admit that you are not better then the person next to you then there better then you. I think she had control issues; me, personally fill that you can learn something new ever day if you are willing to learn you have good and bad I every race good and bad comes in many shapes and sizes. But if you be the best you can be treat people with kindness and respect you will get treated the same. As long as you know there are exceptions to all rules and some people are just not nice no matter what. But don’t let that change who you are. Smile and somebody bound to smile back.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Asian American Stereotypes in Film Essay Example for Free
Asian American Stereotypes in Film Essay Asian Americans only make up a small percent of the American population. Even more significant is that this percentage live mostly on the west and east coasts of mainland United States and Hawaii; leaving the rest of the American population to most likely get their exposures to Asians through television and movies. However the exposure they have receive throughout the history of cinematography has been hardly flattering. Throughout the course of history Asians in film have been portrayed as evil or the yellow peril as described by others. If Asians are not being classified as evil in this picture then they are most likely the comic relief, with their lack of coordination or grasp of the English language. With these common stereotypes in place, it gives a white American viewer a sense or need to destroy this Asian villain or superiority over the comedic character portrayed in the film. In the film Gung Ho filmed in the year 1986, the story is told of the plight of the people working in the region known as the Rust Belt. The group that is the focal point of this story is the relation between Asian men in an American town and the differences they share are played out in this movie. The stereotypes enlisted in this movie are both that of a villainous nature and a comedic relief with some of the characters. Throughout the film it is how the clever, white working class people of this hard working town have to overcome the maniacal working environment these Asian men have. Common stereotypes of the Asian man lay throughout the entire course of the movie, stereotypes that have been portrayed by the film industry of Asian men since its inception. The main stereotype in this movie is that Asian men only care about their jobs and their careers and little else. That the Asian man will go through great sacrifice to get to the top of the business that they work for. From beginning to end, many white families are portrayed in the movie showing that the American people have family values. Yet absent through the whole course of the picture is any Asian man with his family. This signifies that the Asian group does not have time, nor wants to make time to have a family life because they are trying to succeed in business. The Asian boss in the film wanted the results to his liking and little else, whether time with the family was missed or not. Hardly a glimpse of an Asian woman is seen during the movie while the American, and predominantly, white working community always spends time with the family and it is a valued part of their lives. Any slight mention of the Asian characters family was done in conversation without an on-screen appearance by the wife or children. Another stereotype depicted in the film was that every Asian character spoke flawed English. Not one single person through the film had a perfect grasp of the English language. This provides the comical relief in the film as any Asian man at any time could pronounce a word wrong or use the wrong word to the bemusement of the film watchers. The broken English that is used by the Asian characters in this film seem to heighten or display the fact that the Asian characters have visible flaws. The Americans never have to display such flaws, in fact the only part of the movie where an American attempts to spoke Japanese it is completely flawless, without hesitation or pause. A further stereotype that is used in this film is that Asian people make good managers, but are never good leaders. What this tells use is that while a person of Asian descent might know the best possible way to accomplish a goal they will never have the force or strong enough personality to get others to get the goal accomplished. The film has Asian men taking over an American plant and trying to incorporate work ethics that are highly successful over in Japan. Yet the white, working class person refused to adhere to such a strict regime and basically revolts to the ideas. This ultimately leads to the failure and disgrace of the Japanese workers who are unsuccessful in making the plant completely efficient. In the end it takes the will of one of the white workers to bring everyone together and incorporate a meld between the two cultures in order to get the job done and everything to turn out successful. Asian men are depicted as not being strong enough to take control of a situation, where as white American has the ability and will constantly use it to save the day for everyone involved in the situation. One finally stereotype that the film has is the simple fact that all people of Asian descent have some knowledge of the martial arts. Scenes in which martial arts were used were placed in the film seemingly at random, and just for the sole purpose of showing that the Asian character knew a form of martial arts. The film did not need to have any martial arts in it, as it was not the main focal point, or even any kind of focal point, in the film. Yet the makers of the film deemed it necessary to show, in fact, these Asian characters do know how to use martial arts to their advantage. The film portrays the Asian men in a negative light by showing that they do not have the will or the ability to take charge in a situation. This is completely different from the image of the American man who can take charge at any time, whether it is revolting against the Asian ideas or saving the day at the end of the film. The white American voice has no problem being heard and enforced, and its strong will might rub off on others in the end. They are portrayed almost as a type of savage or once again as the yellow peril as they were depicted years earlier. The seven-day work schedules and mandatory free overtime seems barbaric to the American workers, as well as the little amount of time spent with the families. Overall, the Asian men in this film seem to be a harsh taskmaster over their American working force. One of the consequences of this film is that it keeps up the stereotype of Asian Americans being the model minority. The Asian Americans have had this definition of themselves because of their strong cultural background, including strong work ethic, keeping them from becoming a problem minority, which many Americans saw the African American community as a problem. Asian Americans docile approach and lacking of any traits of masculinity were seen as positive traits and were widely regarded as no being a threat to the standards and norms White America had created for themselves. All this movie does is further portray that stereotype, as none of the Asian men in this film have any strong masculine qualities. They cannot take charge, they are easily intimidated, and they are never assertive with their beliefs and restrictions giving the impression to the movie viewers that Asian Americans are docile beings and Asian Americans are obstacles easily overcame. Overall, the object of this movie is to entertain the audience sitting at home watching it, laughing at the mishaps and situations that happen along the way. The question is, however, at whos expense does the laughter come? Perpetuating this stereotype only goes to further damage the way Asian Americans are seen by the American public. Also during the time the movie was being made, the yen and the dollar were in competition over which had more value. This movie in a subtle way suggests that American workers can overcome any adversity, while the Asian cast is lucky to have such determined Americans to help them out of their problems. The movie serves to inspire Americans by relying on a stereotype of Asians to show that Asian are weak and Americans are strong, and that they can overcome any challenge they rally behind.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Corus strip products UK’s change management
Corus strip products UK’s change management Corus was formed in 1999 when the former British steel plc merged with Dutch company, Hoogovens. Corus has three operating division, first is strip products, second is long products and third is distribution building system. Corus strip products UK (CSP UK) is based at port Talbot and Llanwern, Newport in south wales. CSP UK makes steel in strip form. This is used in markets such as vehicle manufacture, construction, electrical appliances, tubes and packaging. Corus aims to be a leader in the steel industry by providing better products, higher quality, customer services better value for money than its rivals. In the 2005 CSP UK introduced a cultural plan for change called The journey. The journey focused value and belief of its people. This case study is mainly focused on how Corus strip UK has overcome barriers to change in order to secure a more prosperous future for the business. Using example, explain what is meant by internal and external drivers for change? Introduction: Business, now-a-days is vitally affected by the economic, social, legal, technological and political factors. These factors collectively form business environment. Business environment, as such, is the total of all external forces, which affect the organisation and operations of business. The environment of an organisation has got internal, operational and general lives managers must be aware of these three environmental levels and their relationship and importance. The term business environment implies those external forces, factors and institutions that are beyond the control of individual business organisations and their management and affect the business enterprise. Above we describe the environmental factors that require managers to implement comprehensive change programme. Business must respond to these changes to remain competitive and continue to meet the needs of their customers. They need the commitment and support of key stake holders groups such as employees, in order to ensure changes are embedded to shape the organisation for the long term. Basic meaning of the drivers for change: Drivers are something like barriers which are affecting to the business and we must need to change in the organisation to continue running business is good situation in the market. If there is anything that is stead fast and unchanging, it is change itself. Change is inevitable, and those organizations who do not keep up with change will become unstable, with long-term survivability in question. There are things, events, or situations that occur that affect the way a business operates, either in a positive or negative way. These things, situations, or events that occur that affect a business in either a positive or negative way are called driving forces. In order for a business to succeed and gain the competitive edge, the business must know what changes are indeed occurring, and what changes might be coming up in the future. I guess you might call this forecasting. Thus, critical to the business is what we call informational resources. It is the collection and analysis of data. There are two types of organizational drivers for change one is internal driving forces and other is external driving forces. We are discussing both of the drivers in briefly. Drivers to change Internal drivers External drivers Organization of machinery and equipment Competition Technological capacity Customer behaviour and their requirement Organizational culture Industry outlook Management system Financial management Demographics Poor services Economy Competitiveness Technological changes Employee morale Internal drivers: Internal driving forces are those kinds of things, situations, or events that occur inside the business, and are generally under the control of the company. Examples like, organization of machinery and equipment, technological capacity, organizational culture, management systems, etc. There are many types of internal drivers in the business it resist to change. Organization of machinery and equipment: If in the organization does not used the good equipment and powerful machinery or otherwise this machinery fall in always breakdown so at that time industry loss their production and with using old equipment it cannot produce more. Workers mostly needed good equipment to an easily produced. Like, in steel industry has not good manufacturing plant so their employee cannot produce more. Thus these types of problem mainly arise in the production based industry so it can be solve their barriers to rearrangement of machinery and plant. Technological capacity: In the modern time we using the old technology and thats capacity is lower than new one so its a barriers to the organization to change. Like , A tyre manufacture industry produce a 1000 tyre per day and in the market B tyre industry have good technology and they produce 3500 tyre per day so as compare to the B industry have a more production capacity. Thus this is an internal barrier to change technology for company A. Organizational culture: Organization culture mostly depend on the workers and the high level management staff because in the industry needed more workers this all are not in one state and one area, thus they arise a problem of communication and cooperation so all the different cultures employees in the one place divisions in industry, thus all have a different skills and practices for work. People prefer to live in the company of other people with known habits and traits. This is the reason culture act as barrier to effective communication within an organization. E.g. based on distance, distance is major example of communication barrier that affect an organization. Because every industry offices located in different location give little to people to interact in person and major business communication barriers exists between employees located in different offices. Management systems: Most of the industries success depends on their management system, because they know How to they manage their problem, how they create their policy, what are motto, goal and etc. is affected to the industry. If company not have a good management team so how they create a good system and survive in the market. Thus this one is also an internal factor of the low management system in industry. Financial management: If companys financial position is not good or they have no enough money for the investment so how they survive and compete in the market. Like in India Satyam computer corporation have a big staff and a huge industry but their financial management low, because their chair men Raju ram linga fraud to the finance and give the wrong data in the annual report and then in 2009, that fraud is come out in the market and then after government taking a strong step and stop the handling. Poor services: If the organization doesnt give time to time good service than others thats an internal drivers for change. Like, if McDonalds service staff not delivered the food of the customer requirement and its time so its not good for the companys. Its a one types of barriers to McDonalds must to change their service and give the better service to customer. Thus its leading to loss of business. Competitiveness: If the inside business cannot control of price of the product as compare to competitors industry so they must to take some step and resist to change the price of their product and decrease their product cost. Like, CSP steel produced company in the UK could be more expensive than from some other country. Employee morale: Employee morale is also affected to the business. If in the organization have a low morale employee so they have no idea of how they work and cooperate to other in the industry. Generally many employee have no basic idea of work and their behaviour so they have very low standard and employee has not feeling good and they are not satisfied in the industry, thus company must change their employee morale. External drivers: External driving forces are those kinds of things, situation, or events that occur outside of the company and are by a large beyond the control of the company. Examples of external driving forces might be, the industry itself, the economy, demographics, competition, political interference, etc. All are the external drivers arise in the outside of the organization. Competition: In the competitive corporate world every company find difficulties to survive and they must change to the compete in market. If Corus steel industry does not change the barriers and they not arrange the programme so they feel very difficult to survive in the competitive market. Todays every industry want to stay in stable market position. Industry should create the prediction of the market and they predict to future, shall they need to change or not, like McDonalds and Sugar n spice. Both are good industry but if one can change the quality so other also improve their quality and service. If McDonalds reduce the price and give a good service then sugar n spice also need to change otherwise its lose their position. Customer behaviour and their requirement: Customer is the king of the market so company has to remember their requirement, like what they want? , what change need? Are they requiring a new product and what they expect from company? This all the basic agenda of to make a potential customer. Corus in steel product it require a quality of steel and outlook of the products. I want to give example of Ashok Leyland vehicle industry, they want trolley of the truck but in the desire level like, maximum gage means thickness to steel plate because depend in thickness to their product life. Industry outlook: Industry outlook means company is good or bad in eye of society, group, local and global people. Every company have their own brand image like, coca-cola brand image, coca-cola is good company as per their behaviour towards the society. Because they provide the better environment to society. Demographics: This barrier is based on the area, Like in Gujarat, Reliance fresh open the store in city in one or two and then after two years later domestic area is increase means population is increase so Reliance also increase their fresh mart store in whole area. Economy: This is the major external factor to the industry. Because economy is includes income, salary, financial position, country growth and growth domestic product (GDP) rate. Like Government control the bike production because the increase the pollution on the environment. Technological changes: In modern time technology is ever change on time to time basis. And industry must walk with the time. In the industry to needed change related to efficiency of infrastructure including Roads, ports, airports, rolling stocks, education, health care, technological impact on the industry, etc. What barriers to change existed at Corus? Introduction: Change may challenge people abilities, experience, customs and practice. And also no one companies todays in a stable environment, every one want to change proceed in the business. Here Corus strip products as a company supported the principles of change and innovation. Thus its would like to change every time and innovate their company. First we discuss the whole factor that may resist changing in the organization. Mainly there are two types of source they are resisting to change. Source Individual sources Organizational sources Addiction or habit Structural inertia Security or safety Limited focus of change Economic factor Group inertia Fear of the unknown Threat to expertise Selective information processing Threat to established power relationship Threat to established resource allocation Others Individual sources : Addiction or often involuntary behaviour : Addiction means a one types of habit to repeat some and some habit, to cope with lifes complexities to responses. But when confronted with change, this tendency to respond in our accustomed ways becomes a source of resistance. For E.g.: In the company employees have a more habit related to a job post, like one who seated in the marketing managerial and this person transfer to the production manager post, so they fed this is wrong or right, its depend on his habit. Security or safety protection : In an every way and in place people want to first basic need and second security. Here people with a high need for security are likely to resist change because it threatens feeling of safety. For E.g.: In an IBM industry more people are doing job related to it. So if company in a difficult situation and difficult want to leave their employees and cut out the salary, this is the basic point of unsecure employee, who lost their job. Here in a Corus company also doing a job relation. So they do the deduct the employee who working in current situation and also deduct the new vacant in the market. Job deduction had been a major thane in the steel industry. Since the 1970s and some of Corus previous change initiations had let to job cut. Economic financial matters : There is many element or economic factor that affects business like income, inflation, recession interest rate, exchange rate and also major elements like economic growth, business cycle, unemployment etc. Business is a now a days is vitally affected by the economic, social, legal, technological and political factors. Corus business has also survived difficult based on employees satisfaction threat to their job. Thus one factor unemployment affect to the Corus because this complacency made change difficult for Corus. Fear of the unknown : Most of the people dont like change because they dont like being change. When comes in to view, fear and resistance to change follows often despite its obvious benefit. In the business people fight against change because they fear to loss something their value or misunderstand to change and its implication or dont think that the change makes sense. In the Corus strip based industrys employees had a fear of the unknown and saw new initiatives as a possible threat to their existing teams and position. More fear affect to the companys value and its reputation. If in the Corus employees has fear to their job so in the market Corus value is down in sight of employee. Selective information processing : Individual are guilty of selectively processing information in order to keep their perception fact. Like is not properly listen what they say, so how they persist and doing this thing. They hear what they want and they ignore information that challenges the world they have created. Organizational sources : Structural inertia : In the structural inertia means organizations have built in mechanism. In a simple word structural inertia means their selection processes and formalised regulations to produce stability. This all are basically depend on the organisation rules and regulation criteria. If in the Corus industry has strong rules and regulation so, no more barriers exist in the company. Here Corus Company is using the principles change and innovation. So its depend on the companies structure what they want and make change. Limited focus of change : Mainly in the company first make strategy and goal of the organization that depend on the process of the business management. If company want to some changes in the strategy so they can do, because its a flexible. If organization process and their strategy is not flexible so end time arise the problem like its barriers to change. So limited changes in system tend to nullified by the largest system. Group inertia : Group inertia in the organization most of people like in production department people want to changes in some norms and regulation based on his working system, so they arise one issue and based on this issue company compulsory make to some resist to change. Threat to expertise : Sometimes changes in organizational patterns may threaten the expertise of specialised group. Threat to established power relationship : In the organization give stable balance of power, authority and responsibility. If any department have more power, so they want anything, and go to in the wrong way. So any redistribution of decision making authority can threaten long established power relationship within the industry. Threat to established resource allocation : In the Corus company have limited resources like its employee and income. Corus company mostly show this resources like capital income and their employees skills and experience so they maximum use this resources. Others : Another issue facing Corus was its ageing workforce. In the UK fewer young people were attracted to the Corus industry because of reduced job opportunities and reduction in apprentice schemes. One more barriers in the Corus its reward system, In the Corus history of rewarding long service rather than distinguished service. Conclusion: I concluded that Corus Company may some changes in the CSP industry. They must change to their attitude towards the employees because most of the employees have fear of unknown. Also they must change their theme, its a job reduction is create a downsizing impression in the market. Corus make fair reward system based on the time based and unit based salary system. Analyse the approaches Corus used to overcome these barriers? Introduction: We cannot solve our problem by spending; we cannot solve our problems cutting back. Education and communication : Mainly depend on the employee s skills and education that they solve the overcome the communication barriers. In the organization a number of barriers can retard or distract effective communication. Like filtering, selective perception, information overload, emotions and language. Corus is overcome these barriers by using the some key technique, like they involve in direct and indirect communication for example provide weekly news letter and workshops. Communication can reduce resistance because it fights the effects of misinformation and poor communication. Participation : Corus has used to overcome resistance to change has been to work closely with employees and share good ideas to each other. This is the main advantage of company because any error in the strategy and in system easily find out and solve in the less time. Corus also participate their employee in decision making because more people easy to take decision. Corus also share with employee to what might happen in the business. Building emotional commitment : Research on the middle manager has shown that when manager or employee has a low emotional commitment to change they favour the status quo and resist it. This approach is based on the companys values and respects their employee. Implementing changes fairly : Corus needed to highlight how to people were behaving. Employee give best response when they think in positive view and mainly unfair action fitted in the mind of employees and they behave in negative way. Involve in decision making : Corus is overcome to these barriers to involve the employee in management decision making and their contribution experience are recognised. Most of the company involve in decision making because more thinkers easy to solve their problem and management also get the different ideas and apply it in the process. Selective people who accept change : Corus used this approach is based on the load of work, they create group on who accept the change and other who dont accept the change. Corus also highlighted that employee become accustomed to working with limited resources and were willing to accept low standards. Coercion : Coercion means the act of pressure or power to force or taking action or steps towards the employee. In the Corus company, workers misuse of alcohol or drug so at that time give first warning and then after they not improve their work so give the punishment and cut out the salary. Conclusion: Corus is using all the key technique and main of the approaches, like work closely with employee, involve in decision making, provide good working environment and become they achieve their targets new values like, honesty, fairness, transparency, integrity etc. and also they accept their high standards and making professionalism, and last one is making a team work to become achieve improvement, excellence and respect. 4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the change programme so far? Introduction : The Corus strip products UK make a cultural plan for change; its called The Journey in the 2005. Company wants wide range of business challenges but the common theme was the fundamental way that people at all level went about their work. They must change the programme because there had been a tragic accident on site and other safety and health is more important issue. There are many effectiveness of this programme to change so far: High production capacity : Corus making a changes in the work environment and give a suggestion to closely work with employee and also arrange the training programme and give direction to workers how the produce more. Employee also knows what might happen in the company. Steel production area is make a secure and employee work without fear in the Corus industry. So its concluded thats depending on the above situation to give the good result. Its show in significant progress. Production capacity is increased by 4.5% to a run rate of 5 million tonnes. Reduce the cost of producing steel : Corus is a steel producing industry so they must control on the steel liquid, gas, machinery power, and equipment. In the change programme Corus change the most of the thing to decrease the producing cost, like they do encourage their employee, provide proper environment. Thus CSP UK achieve the target of the plant is on track to reduce the 20% cost of producing steel. Increase the new comers employees to based on the values : Corus is making a good value to base on the change programme. They change their values professionalism, honesty, integrity, respect, improvement, excellence, fairness and transparency. Depend on this value change in the society and new employee believes on its values and their belief. So based on this change programme Corus values and belief in the business is increased in the market. Thus new 5000 employees signed up in the company. Low Absenteeism rate : All company want to decrease their absenteeism rate and this is shown on the annual report. Corus making some changes in their policy and create a better environment to the benefit of their employee. Corus has improving the redesigning of time schedule and work without stress of employee. Thus in this change programme Corus achieve in this roles and it had a reduction in absenteeism. Improve quality and service : Company must control the quality of products and it can avoid to the defective products or material. In last step is more important to attractive is their service desk area. Corus Company manufactured steel products. So they improve their steel quality and give the best service. Corus is achieving the level of good quality and improve the service to their customer. Increase the care of employee related to health and safety : In the Corus strip products manufacture the steel so in the steel producing industry must show the health safety for their employee. CSP UK based company has associated with the high standards of safety with Corus processes. Corus taking step related to health and safety issue. So they create a new safety teams contribute towards accident free protection. Exceeds government standards : CSP have showed the all significant area. It has that carbon dioxide emissions have reduced by 10%. Company is anything does for the government and for public also, so they must increase their credibility towards them. Now CSP UK exceeds the government standards. Impact on local community society : Every company want to good impression on the society and towards their community. CSP UK has also measurable improvements in the companys impact on this a well defined area or a town. Others : CSP Company also seeing the environment factor and the social factor. Corus provide a new improve entry experience for employees, contractors and suppliers demonstrated. That Corus strip products is now seen as an organization that is proud of itself. Conclusion: Corus company facing up to its internal weaknesses and efficiency, increased output, lower costs and reduce waste in an increasingly competitive market. Corus is not just surviving in the business but it has also grown in the market and expands to their company even during the recession time of 2008 to 2009. Its main aim is to behind this journey programme is a focused on the values and belief of its people and also they needed to change to the tragic accidents on site and other health and safety issues. Thus this case study focuses on how Corus strip products UK has overcome barriers to change in order to secure a more prosperous future for the business.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Scarlet Letter Essay -- Literary Analysis, Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, portrays the adversities faced by Hester Prynne and Reverend Dimmesdale, and their struggles to overcome their sins of adultery. Hawthorne depicts the celestial Dimmesdale as a troubled minister with an uneasy conscience who struggles to cope with his wrongdoings. Dimmesdale is torn between whether to publically confess his wrongdoing with Hester and let the merciless Puritans decide his fate, or keep his secret hidden and let the guilt derived from his actions, along with the devil in Roger Chillingworth, destroy him both mentally and physically. Being divided between his love for Hester and his Puritan ideals, Dimmesdale’s advancement towards making amends for his sin of adultery is manifested in the three scaffold scenes throughout the novel. The first scaffold scene depicts Hester’s public humiliation of her sin, and Dimmesdale’s lack of courage and troubled soul. In the first scaffold scene, Dimmesdale acts as Hester’s deceptive accuser, letting her stand alone on the scaffold for three hours while being ridiculed by the townspeople for an act they both committed. Dimmesdale charges Hester â€Å"to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer. Be not silent from any mistaken pity and tenderness for him†(Hawthorne 64). By directly speaking to Hester, Dimmesdale wants Hester to reveal his sin to the townspeople of Boston. Dimmesdale does not want Hester to pity him, and take all the blame for their wrongdoing because he does not want to live a sinful life full of hidden sin and guilt. Although Dimmesdale wants Hester to reveal his secret, he is relieved when Hester says â€Å"I will not speak...And my child must seek a heavenly Father; she shall never know an earthly ... ... Dimmesdale, a minister with a troubled soul, regrets his actions and makes amends for his sin, allowing him to finally be free from guilt and suffering. The scaffold, a place of public shame and humiliation, symbolizes Dimmesdale’s progression towards making amends for his actions, and obtaining salvation. Dimmesdale goes from being a religious and deceitful minister in the first scaffold scene to a humble and lowly individual by the end of the third scaffold scene, freeing himself from the guilt that has caused so much havoc on his life. Dimmesdale’s sin, which is manifested throughout the three scaffold scenes, symbolizes the major theme of the Scarlet Letter, which states that hidden sin will ultimately kill an individual if left unconfessed, and that the only way to achieve salvation is by publicly confessing one’s actions and making atonement with God.
Growing Up in Araby by James Joyce and Boys and Girls by Alice Munro Es
Growing Up in Araby by James Joyce and Boys and Girls by Alice Munro In the stories â€Å"Araby†by James Joyce, and â€Å"Boys and Girls†by Alice Munro, there is a common theme of growing up. In both of these stories the characters came to a realization of who they were and what they wanted to be. They both are of the age when reality strikes and priorities take on meaning. The characters in both stories evolve through rites of passage but the way in which these revolutions occur differ with each character. These stories can be seen as different from each other in many ways. The young boy lives in a house in a suburban area without a mother or a father, but with guardians. He has a group of friends nearby he hangs out with. Though, he has no siblings. His revelation lets him realize the finer things in life, like women. He finds his friends are boring and no longer wants to play. Also, he obsesses over the young girl across the street in an unhealthy way. It almost seems as if he could grow to be a psychopath. He follows behind her on the way to school, waits for her before school, and watches her from his door. The young girl on the other hand, lives in the outskirts of town, if not pure country. She does not play with anybody but a younger brother she has. She worships her father and neglects her mother. She also has no respect for her mother, although later in the story, she goes on about all the hard work she does. Unlike the boy, the young girl is kept occupied with lots of...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ambrose Bierces Chickamauga Essay example -- Ambrose Bierce Chickamau
Ambrose Bierce's Chickamauga Ambrose Bierce’s short story, "Chickamauga," scrutinizes American values, specifically, America’s identifying with the natural world. Bierce is critical of the American association with divine destiny, which has manifested itself throughout history in the form of John Winthrop’s â€Å"City upon a hill†speech, the notion of the â€Å"white man’s burden,†and Manifest Destiny. American history, in the scope of the short story, is one of perceived â€Å"rightly†subjugation of others. Bierce satirizes this philosophy by use of the child as a manifestation of American values that are eventually shown to be feeble and weak. The opening paragraph summarizes American history in abstract terms: â€Å"It was happy in a new sense of freedom from control, happy in the opportunity of exploration and adventure; for this child’s spirit, in bodies of its ancestors, had for thousands of years been trained to memorable feats of discovery and conquest†(455). The diction Bierce uses conveys a sense of warmongering and that war and conquest is what brings about â€Å"memorable feats.†The ever expanding frontier, the cross-continental explorations, and the colonizing of the West, though, are all described by Bierce in terms of a mirthful child going to play in the woods unabated and â€Å"unobserved†(Ibid). Bierce undermines the notion that American conquests in the past were grand exploits of a privileged and godly people. Bierce also uses hyperbole in describing the child’s playing in the woods. Though the child is merely playing war in his mind, Bierce describes him as â€Å"a mightier conqueror†and â€Å"the mightiest†(Ibid). This diction of grandeur is juxtaposed with the rabbit scaring the child away: â€Å"With a startled cry the child... ...nquest do not give triumph to one nation and defeat for another, but instead bring about defeat for all. Thus, Bierce satirizes American culture and the popular beliefs of destiny and natural superiority associated with his time. American history is shown to be nothing more than a deaf and mute child roaming in the wilderness playing war games. The arrogant notion of superiority is described as feeble and ultimately destructive. Bierce calls upon Americans to view themselves with a kind of humility toward the natural world and its it place inside of it; no longer should Americans see themselves as privileged, instead, they should become humbled. Works Cited Bierce, Ambrose. "Chickamauga." The Heath Anthology of American Literature Volume C Late Nineteenth Century 1865-1910. Ed. Suzanne P. Weir. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. 455-459.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Samaritan – How serious is our condition? – A little comic relief for the suicidal Suicide Prevention: How to Help Someone who is Suicidal www. Helped. Org/mental/suicide_prevention. HTML A suicidal person may not ask for help, but that doesn't mean that help isn't wanted. Most people who commit suicide don't want to die†they Just want to stop National Suicide Prevention Lifeline www. suicidepreventionlifeline. Org/ Helps individuals in suicidal crisis within the United States to contact the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health service provider through a SAVE ISuicide Facts www. Save. Org/facts SAVE – Suicide Awareness Voices of Education Suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans every year. Many who attempt Over half of all suicides occur in adult men, ages 25-65. In the month prior to Suicide. Org: Suicide Prevention, Suicide Awareness www. Suicide. Org/ Suicide. Org. Suicide is NEVER the answer, getting help is the answer. If you are suicidal, have attempted suicide, or are a suicide survivor, you will find help, Suicide: Midlines www. Ml. NIH. Gob/†¦ /suicide. H†¦ Suicide is the tenth most common cause of death in the United States.People may consider suicide when they are hopeless and can't see any other solution to Understanding Suicide www. FSP. Org/understanding†¦ American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Over 38,000 Americans took their lives in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Suicide accounted for 12 deaths for every 100,000 people American Foundation for Suicide Prevention www. FSP. Org/ Created to raise awareness, offer support, fund research and call for action in regard o advancing a national response to the problem of suicide.In-depth articles The Story of a Suicide The New Yorker – Feb.. 2012 The day after that, Clementine committed suicide by Jumping from the George Washington Bridge. Clementine's death became an international news story, fusing parental anxieties about Explore: teen suicide The Golden Suicides vanity Fat – Jan 2008 (It happened to be her birthday, October 26. ) No one talked about the dark stories and wild speculation that had emerged after news of the couple's â€Å"double suicide†hit the media.The Urge to End It – Understanding Suicide The New York Times – July 2008 â€Å"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem,†Albert Campus wrote, â€Å"and that is suicide. †How to explain why, among the only species capable of pondering its own demise, Explore: gun suicide + More in-depth articles Searches related to suicide Suicide methods how to commit suicide suicidal thoughts suicide facts suicide stories suicide quotes suicide notes suicide videos 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Next West Side, Newark, NJ – From your Internet address – Use precise location more – Learn
Friday, August 16, 2019
Nestle vs Dutchlady Essay
Nestle already exist in Malaysia market, now we would like to make an analysis about the Nestle product in Taman Koperasi Cuepacs ,Kajang Selangor, whether customer are satisfaction with Nestle product or customer prefer with other brand like Dutch Lady. From that, Nestle can make some improvement for their product line to expand their business strategy and fulfill the customer’s satisfaction. 1. OBJECTIVE: 1. To know how well known of Nestle product in Kajang Selangor. 2. To know why people choose Nestle product to compare it with Dutch lady Product 3. Chefs were asked to discuss their requirements. The results showed that consumers were saying ‘fresh is best’. However, the chefs’ view was slightly different in terms of: ‘My customers would like everything to be made from scratch (i. e. made from basic raw ingredients), but I don’t have the time and money to do this’. The research revealed that the market was divided into a number of segments. A segment is a part of an overall market made up of customers with similar characteristics. Chefs fitted into four main segments: The research showed a sizeable demand for Segment 3 – a target for Maggie ‘A Natural Choice’ products. Brand proposition – the research defined a proposition for developing the new brand. This new proposition was to create a product with more natural qualities for ‘chefs who aim to please’ who want their cooking to be as fresh tasting as possible. Natural qualities would be defined in terms of taste, smell, look and texture. Target market– Maggie ‘A Natural Choice’ target was to be ‘chefs who aim to please’. Their prime aim is to provide delicious, wholesome foods that customers enjoy. These chefs enjoy their work and have a pride in the satisfaction they give customers. They are not in business just to make money. Brand ambition – Maggi ‘A Natural Choice’ combines the goodness and taste of real ingredients with time and cost saving. http://businesscasestudies. co. uk/nestle/nutrition-health-wellness-new-product-development-at-nestle/market-research. html#ixzz1rRQlFtbi From the literature review above, previous research about the satisfaction about nestle’ brand which is Maggie. From this research, Maggie is a famous food for a long time ago, but now, people in UK said, the product had come to be seen as uninteresting and old fashioned due to its dehydrated format and flavor. From that, we can know, is that, customer are satisfied with the Nestle’ brand or not, if customer are no satisfied with the Nestle’ brand, Nestle need to make some improvement to their product in term of flavor or packaging. In this research, the researcher shows that, there have 4 segments, which is, a target for Maggie, Brand proposition, Target market and, Brand ambition. Questionnaire is a document that is used to guide what questions are to be asked respondents and in what order, sometimes lists the alternative responses that are acceptable. In addition , list of a research or survey questions asked to respondents, and designed to extract specific information. It serves four basic purposes to collect the appropriate data, make data comparable and amenable to analysis, minimize bias in formulating and asking question, and to make questions engaging and varied. This is the right way to ask people outside to answer the questionnaire to be given to the respondents. The advantages of questionnaire * Cost effective Questionnaires are cost effective compared the research methods using interviews or data mining. The questionnaire could be distributed to a larger population over a shorter period of time. This is especially true for sample populations that cover a large geographic area. The questionnaires can be mailed or delivered electronically. Personal interviews take time and mistakes can be made during the analysis of the data due to individual interpretation. Questionnaires can be sent back anonymously and this will allow more respondents to reply.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Study Of Demographic Profile Of The Respondents Accounting Essay
In this chapter, consequence is obtained through the informations aggregation method from 300 questionnaires. The informations obtained from questionnaires are analyzed and computed by utilizing the Statistical Package societal Science ( SPSS ) package. Tables and charts will be exhibited to show the consequences in an apprehensible mode. This chapter started off with the descriptive analysis of the respondent demographic profile and cardinal inclinations measuring of concepts. Next, scale measuring is to supply the consequences of dependability trial. This is followed by the illative analysis with the Pearson correlativity coefficient analysis and multiple additive arrested development analysis. Last is to reason this chapter.4.1 Descriptive Analysis4.1.1 Demographic Profile of the RespondentsTable 4.1: Gender of RespondentsGenderFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Male 105 51.7 51.7 51.7 Female 98 48.3 48.3 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research In the Table 4.1 above, it showed the frequence and per centum of gender of 203 respondents. There were a sum of 105 male respondents ( 51.7 % ) and a sum of 98 female respondents ( 48.3 % ) . Table 4.2: The Age Group of RespondentsAgeFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Under 21 old ages 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 21-30 old ages 67 33.0 33.0 35.5 31-40 old ages 54 26.6 26.6 62.1 41-50 old ages 31 15.3 15.3 77.3 51 old ages & A ; above 46 22.7 22.7 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research Table 4.2 presented the frequence and per centum of the age group of respondents. 5 respondents ( 2.5 % ) were under 21 old ages old, 67 respondents ( 33.0 % ) were 21 to 30 old ages old, 54 respondents ( 26.6 % ) were 31 to 40 old ages old, 31 respondents ( 15.3 % ) were 41 to 50 old ages old and 46 respondents ( 22.7 % ) were 51 old ages old and above. Table 4.3: The Marital Status of RespondentsMarital StatusFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Single 73 36.0 36.0 36.0 Married 130 64.0 64.0 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.3 indicated the frequence and per centum of the matrimonial position of respondents. The bulk of the respondents were married which represented 64.0 % that is about 130 people out of 203 respondents. Besides that, 73 respondents ( 36.0 % ) were still individual. Table 4.4: The Education Level of RespondentsEducation DegreeFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Primary instruction 8 3.9 3.9 3.9 Secondary instruction 77 37.9 37.9 41.9 Certificate / Diploma 80 39.4 39.4 81.3 Bachelor ‘s grade 33 16.3 16.3 97.5 Master ‘s grade 5 2.5 2.5 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research From the Table 4.4, it showed the frequence and per centum of the instruction degree of respondents. From the information above, bulk of 80 respondents held a certification or sheepskin ( 39.4 % ) . The 2nd and 3rd largest groups were 77 respondents who had completed the secondary instruction ( 37.9 % ) and 33 respondents who held a unmarried man grade ( 16.3 % ) . Last, the respondents who had completed the primary instruction and which is a maestro grade holders were 8 people ( 3.9 % ) and 5 people ( 2.5 % ) severally. Table 4.5: The Working Period of RespondentsWorking Time periodFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Less than 1 twelvemonth 23 11.3 11.3 11.3 1-5 old ages 63 31.0 31.0 42.4 6-10 old ages 48 23.6 23.6 66.0 11-15 old ages 25 12.3 12.3 78.3 16-20 old ages 19 9.4 9.4 87.7 Above 20 old ages 25 12.3 12.3 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.5 represented the frequence and per centum of the on the job period of respondents. The respondents were divided into six classs. 23 respondents worked as an insurance agent for less than one twelvemonth ( 11.3 % ) , 63 respondents worked for 1 to 5 old ages ( 31.0 % ) , 48 respondents worked for 6 to 10 old ages ( 23.6 % ) , 25 respondents worked for 11 to 15 old ages ( 12.3 % ) , 19 respondents worked for 16 to 20 old ages ( 9.4 % ) and 25 respondents worked as an insurance agent above 20 old ages ( 12.3 % ) .4.1.2 Cardinal Tendencies Measurement of Constructs4.1.2.1 Commission PayTable 4.6: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Commission Pay No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation CP1 I think the committee wage is a really of import incentive for me. 4.3448 0.75078 CP2 I am motivated by committee wage to seek my best attempts in work. 4.2562 0.73350 CP3 My occupation public presentation determine the extra committee wage when achieve higher mark. 4.2808 0.81141 CP4 I will retain the occupation because I am satisfied with the committee wage. 4.0985 0.85025 CP5 I work hard is to acquire a better committee wage in this occupation. 4.3005 0.78561 Beginning: Developed for the research Table 4.6 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of committee wage. Mentioning to the tabular array above, most respondents agreed to the CP1 with average value of 4.3448. The 2nd highest was CP5 with average value of 4.3005. The 3rd and 4th highest were CP3 and CP2 which had the average value of 4.2808 and 4.2562 severally. The lowest average value was CP4 which was 4.0985. From the tabular array above, CP4 had highest standard divergence value which was 0.85025. The 2nd and 3rd highest standard divergence value was CP3 and CP5 which had 0.81141 and 0.78561 severally. The 4th highest standard divergence was CP1 with the value of 0.75078. The lowest standard divergence value was 0.73350 by CP2. Job SecurityTable 4.7: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Job Security No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation JSM1 I think occupation security is another of import incentive for me. 4.1232 0.68188 JSM2 I am motivated by the good occupation security in current occupation. 3.9852 0.74779 JSM3 I feel my current occupation is unafraid, dependable and lasting. 3.9951 0.82951 JSM4 My occupation public presentation is influenced by the occupation security. 4.0000 0.79603 JSM5 I work hard is because I ‘m afraid to loss this stable occupation. 3.7143 1.00845 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.7 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of occupation security. The consequence from the tabular array above, JSM1 had the highest average value of 4.1232. The 2nd highest average value was JSM4 which was 4.000. The 3rd highest was JSM3 with the average value of 3.9951 which was followed by JSM2 which had a average value of 3.9852. The JSM5 had the lowest average value of 3.7143. Harmonizing to the Table 4.7, the JSM5 had the highest standard divergence value of 1.00845. The 2nd highest standard divergence value was JSM3 which was 0.82951. The 3rd highest was JSM4 with the standard divergence value of 0.79603 which was followed by JSM2 which had a standard divergence value of 0.74779. The lowest standard divergence value was JSM1 which was merely 0.68188. Opportunities for Advancement and DevelopmentTable 4.8: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Opportunities for Advancement and Development No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation AD1 I think the chances for promotion and development is another of import incentive for me. 4.1034 0.79238 AD2 I am motivated by chances for promotion and development in current occupation. 4.0443 0.75321 AD3 I have more chances for promotion and development in current occupation if I retain the occupation for longer period of clip. 4.0936 0.78734 AD4 I have more chances to direct for preparation, learn accomplishment and developing myself in current occupation. 4.1084 0.81330 AD5 I work hard is to acquire more chances for promotion and development in this occupation. 4.1675 0.74563 Beginning: Developed for the research Table 4.8 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of chances for promotion and development. In the term of average value, AD5 had the highest mean of 4.1675. Second, it is followed by AD4 of 4.1084, AD1 of 4.1034 and AD3 of 4.0936. The AD2 had the lowest average value of 4.0443. From the Table 4.8, the AD4 had the highest standard divergence value of 0.81330. Second, it is followed by AD1 with the standard divergence value of 0.79238, AD3 with the standard divergence value of 0.78734 and AD2 with the standard divergence value of 0.75321. The lowest standard divergence value was 0.74563 by AD5. Work ItselfTable 4.9: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Work Itself No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation W1 I have more independent when I ‘m working. 4.1724 0.78654 W2 I have more assurance to accomplish the mark of the occupation. 4.2217 0.75461 W3 I am willing to work hard with current occupation. 4.2069 0.72886 W4 I am non willing to alter another occupation even if I get other occupation in elsewhere. 3.8227 0.98909 W5 I think my ability can execute good in current occupation. 4.1527 0.75211 W6 I am proud to work with current occupation. 4.2020 0.77944 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.9 above, it illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of work itself. Based on the tabular array, W2 had the highest average value of 4.2217. The 2nd highest was W3 that had 4.2069 of average value. The 3rd highest was the W6 that had 4.2020 of mean value which was followed by, the W1 and W5 which had the average value of 4.1724 and 4.1527 severally. The W4 had the lowest average value was 3.8227. In the tabular array above, the highest standard divergence value was 0.98909 by the W4. The 2nd highest standard divergence value was W1 which was 0.78654. The 3rd highest standard divergence value was the W6 that had 0.77944 which was followed by, the W2 and W5 which had the standard divergence value of 0.75461 and 0.75211 severally. The lowest standard divergence value was W3 which was 0.72886. Job SatisfactionTable 4.10: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Job Satisfaction No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation JS1 In general I am satisfied with my occupation. 4.1330 0.74265 JS2 I am satisfied with the flexibleness of the on the job hours in current occupation. 4.3054 0.68601 JS3 I am satisfied with the committee wage strategy in current occupation. 4.0394 0.78250 JS4 I will retain the occupation because I am satisfied with the occupation security. 4.0148 0.74779 JS5 I am satisfied with the accomplishment in current occupation. 4.0591 0.78125 JS6 I am happy with the manner my co-workers and higher-ups treat me. 4.0936 0.79982 JS7 I am truly enjoyed with my occupation. 4.2266 0.81925 Beginning: Developed for the research Harmonizing to Table 4.10, it illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of occupation satisfaction. Based on the tabular array, most respondents agreed to the JS2 with average value of 4.3054. The 2nd highest was JS7 that had 4.2266 of average value. The 3rd and 4th highest average value was JS1 and JS6 which is 4.1330 and 4.0936 severally. The 5th highest was JS5 with the average value of 4.0591 which was followed by JS3 which had a average value of 4.0394. The lowest average value was the JS4 which was merely 4.0148. In the term of standard divergence value, JS7 had the highest standard divergence of 0.81925. Following, it is followed by JS6 of 0.79982, JS3 of 0.78250, JS5 of 0.78125 and JS4 of 0.74779. The two lowest standard divergence values were JS1 of 0.74265 and JS2 of 0.68601.4.2 Scale Measurement4.2.1 Internal Reliability TestTable 4.11: Reliability Statistic Variable Cronbach ‘s Alpha N of Items CP 0.881 5 JSM 0.805 5 Ad 0.911 5 Tungsten 0.899 6 Joule 0.901 7 Beginning: Developed for the research The dependability trial is test the consistence and truth of the IVs and DV which the credence degree of cronbach ‘s alpha more than 0.70. Based on the Table 4.11, the highest cronbach ‘s alpha is chances for promotion and development standing at 0.911. The 2nd highest is occupation satisfaction which the cronbach ‘s alpha is 0.901 followed by committee wage and work itself which the cronbach ‘s alpha are 0.899 and 0.881. The lowest cronbach ‘s alpha is occupation security standing at 0.805. From the consequence, overall the cronbach ‘s alpha for all variable are more than 0.70. Therefore, the questionnaire in this research is dependability and consistence.4.2.2 Normality TestThe trial of normalcy, histogram with normal curve, P-P secret plan and spread secret plan diagram are being used to demo the normal distribution of informations. Table 4.12: Trials of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Standardized Residual .055 203 .200* .988 203 .091 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction * . This is a lower edge of the true significance. Beginning: Developed for the research This research uses 203 study questionnaires which the sample size is more than 50. Therefore, Kolmogorov-Smirnov ‘s trial is usage for proving the normalcy as it is used to analyze larger sample size ( n & gt ; 50 ) . Based on the Table 4.12, the important value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov ‘s trial is equal to 0.200, which is more than 0.05. Thence, as the normalcy premise is achieved, the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed. Besides, based on the Appendix G, the histogram with normal distribution curve of trade name trueness demoing a sensible bell-shaped and therefore the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed. In add-on, from the Appendix F, the normal chance secret plan of trade name prevarications near to the fanciful heterosexual line which is lifting from the lower-left corner to the upper right corner and demo an upward incline of the graph. This can connote that the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed.4.2.3 Multicollinearity TestBased on the Table 4.14, the correlativity coefficient between IVs were 0.581 for CP and JSM, 0.496 for CP and AD, 0.528 for CP and W, 0.604 for JSM and AD, 0.612 for JSM and W, and 0.657 for AD and W. Therefore, these correlativity coefficients are high between IVs but there is no multicollinearity job since they are all less than 0.8 in this research ( Field, 2005 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to Table 4.13 the tolerance and VIF value for CP ( 0.606 1.650 ) , JSM ( 0.493 2.029 ) , AD ( .497 2.013 ) and W ( .478 2.094 ) are more than 0.1 and less than 10 severally in the multicollinearity statistics. Hence, multicollinearity job do non show in this research ( Hair et al. , 1992 ) . Table 4.13: Multicollinearity Model Collinearity Statisticss Tolerance VIF CP_Average .606 1.650 JSM_Average .493 2.029 AD_Average .497 2.013 W_Average .478 2.094 Beginning: Developed for the research4.3 Inferential Analysis4.3.1 Pearson ‘s Correlation AnalysisTable 4.14: Pearson ‘s Correlation Analysis CP JSM Ad Tungsten Joule Commsion Pay ( CP ) 1 Job Security ( JSM ) .581** 1 Opportunities for Advancement and Development ( AD ) .496** .604** 1 Work Itself ( W ) .528** .612** .657** 1 Job Satisfaction ( JS ) .557** .659** .674** .836** 1 ** . Correlation is important at the 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) . Beginning: Developed for the research By implementing Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Table 4.14 illustrates the consequences of the correlativity analysis of the four independent variables ( CP, JSM, AD and W ) and one dependant variable ( JS ) . The consequence from Table 4.14 shows that p-value of committee wage is 0.000 which is less than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.557. Therefore, the analysis consequence concludes that committee wage is moderate positive correlated with occupation satisfaction. For occupation security variable, the p-value is 0.000 which is lower than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.659 which indicates there is moderate positive relationship between occupation security and occupation satisfaction. In the Table 4.14, the p-value of chances for promotion and development is 0.000 ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) and the R value is 0.674. Hence, the chance for promotion and development is moderate positive correlated with occupation satisfaction. As shown in the Table 4.14, the p-value of work itself is 0.00 which is lower than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.836. As a consequence, the work itself has high positive relationship with occupation satisfaction.4.3.2 Multiple Regression AnalysisTable 4.15: Multiple Regression Analysis Independent Variables Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig. Bacillus Beta Changeless .350 2.069 .040 Commission Pay .069 .074 1.610 .109 Job Security .158 .160 3.154 .002 Opportunities for Advancement and Development .130 .143 2.834 .005 Work Itself .562 .605 11.724 .000 R2 .748 Adjusted R2 .743 F 147.264** Beginning: Developed for the research From table 4.15 above, shows that the correlativity coefficient, R= 0.864, means that there is a positive correlativity between the four independent variables and dependent variable. The value of R Square is 0.748 which indicates that 74.8 % of the discrepancy in the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) is explained by the 4 independent variables ( committee wage, occupation security, chances for promotion and development, and work itself ) . However, it is still leaves 25.2 % of occupation satisfaction is explained by other factors in this survey. Furthermore, harmonizing to table above, p-value ( Sig. 0.000 ) is less than alpha value 0.05, therefore, the F- statistic which equals to 147.204 is important. That mean this theoretical account is a good form for the relation between the residuary and forecasters. Therefore, the independent variables ( committee wage, occupation security, chances for promotion and development, and work itself ) are significantly explicating the discrepancy in the occupation satisfaction among insurance agents. Since the p-value is less than 0.05 and is in the cull part which H0 is rejected. Harmonizing to Table 4.15, occupation security ( p=0.002 ) , chances for promotion and development ( p= 0.005 ) , work itself ( p & lt ; 0.001 ) are important to foretell the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) in this survey because their p-values ( Sig. ) are less than alpha value 0.05. From the multiple arrested development analysis, occupation security, chances for promotion and development and work itself are the of import motive factors that affect the occupation satisfaction among insurance agents in Malaysia. Among these IVs, work itself is the strongest determiner. However, the independent variable ( committee wage ) is non significantly foretelling the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . This is because committee wage ( p=0.109 ) is more than the alpha value 0.05. Therefore, a multiple additive arrested development is formed by utilizing the information from the column headed â€Å" B †shown in the tabular array 4.15 above. The arrested development equation is as below: Job satisfaction = 0.350 + 0.069 committee wage + 0.158 occupation security + 0.130 chances for promotion and development + 0.562 work itself4.4 DecisionThree independent variables ( occupation security, chances for promotion and development and work itself ) for this research are found to hold important relationship with the independent variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . However, the independent variable ( committee wage ) is non important relationship with the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . Consequences of the analysis and back uping grounds for the consequences are being discussed in the undermentioned chapter.
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